Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/862

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12 2 STA T .839PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 229 —M A Y 8 , 2008 constru ct i onc ha r ge o bl igation shall be co mp letel y pai d by J une 30,2 0 4 4 .’ . ‘ ‘ (6)I n A rticle 1 4(a) o f the C ontract, by inserting ‘and for instream purposes, including fish or w ildlife purposes, to the e x tent that such use is re q uired by O regon S tate law in order for the D istrict to engage in, or ta k ead v antage of, conserved water pro j ects as authori z ed by Oregon State law,’ after ‘and incidental stock and domestic uses’, by inserting ‘and for instream purposes as described above,’ after ‘irrigation, stock and domestic uses’, and by inserting ‘, including natural flow rights out of the Crooked R iver held by the District’ after ‘irrigation system’. ‘‘( 7 ) In Article 2 9 (a) of the Contract, by inserting ‘and for instream purposes, including fish or wildlife purposes, to the extent that such use is required by Oregon State law in order for the District to engage in, or take advantage of, conserved water projects as authorized by Oregon State law’ after ‘provided in article 11’. ‘‘( 8 ) In Article 34 of the Contract, by deleting ‘ T he District, after the election and upon the execution of this contract, shall promptly secure final decree of the proper State court approving and confirming this contract and decreeing and adjudging it to be a lawful, valid, and binding general obligation of the District. The District shall furnish to the U nited States certified copies of such decrees and of all pertinent supporting records.’ after ‘for that purpose.’. ‘ ‘ SEC.4 . FUT U R E A UT HO R I T Y TO RE N E G OTIATE. ‘‘The Secretary of the Interior (acting through the Commissioner of Reclamation) may in the future renegotiate with the District such terms of the Contract as the District directors determine to be necessary, only upon the written request of the District directors and the consent of the Commissioner of Reclamation.’’. SEC. 510 .RE P U BL ICAN RI V ER BASIN FEASIBILITY STU D Y. (a) A UTHORIZA TIO N O F STU DY . —P ursuant to reclamation laws, the Secretary of the Interior, acting through the B ureau of Reclama - tion and in consultation and cooperation with the States of N ebraska, K ansas, and Colorado, may conduct a study to— (1) determine the feasibility of implementing a water supply and conservation project that will— (A) improve water supply reliability in the Republican River Basin between H arlan County L ake in Nebraska and M ilford Lake in Kansas, including areas in the counties of Harlan, F ranklin, W ebster, and Nuckolls in Nebraska and Jewel, Republic, Cloud, Washington, and Clay in Kansas (in this section referred to as the ‘‘Republican River Basin’’)

(B) increase the capacity of water storage through modifications of existing projects or through new projects that serve areas in the Republican River Basin; and (C) improve water management efficiency in the Republican River Basin through conservation and other available means and, where appropriate, evaluate integrated water resource management and supply needs in the Republican River Basin; and (2) consider appropriate cost-sharing options for implementation of the project.