Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/876

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12 2 STA T .853PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 22 9—M A Y 8 , 2008 ‘ ‘ (A)1862Insti t u ti o ns( a s def ined in se c tion2oft h e A gr icu l tural R esearch ,Ex tension, and Education Refor m Actof1 9 98( 7U.S . C .76 0 1))

‘‘( B ) 1890 Institutions (as defined in section 2 of that Act); and ‘‘(C) 199 4 Institutions (as defined in section 2 of that Act). ‘‘(i) A UTHORIZA TIO N O F A P PROPRIATION S . — In addition to amounts other w ise authori z ed to b ea p propriated in section 911, there are authorized to be appropriated for the program under this section such sums as ma y be appropriated. ’ ’. SEC.602 . AM E ND MEN T ST O T H E STEE L AND AL U M I NUM ENE RGY CON - SER V ATION AND TECHNOLOGY COM P ETITIVENESS ACT O F198 8. (a) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.—Section 9 of the Steel and Aluminum Energy Conser v ation and T echnology Competitive - ness Act of 1988 (1 5 U.S.C. 5108) is amended to read as follows

‘SEC. 9. AUTHORI Z ATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. ‘‘There are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary to carry out this Act $ 12,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 2008 through 2012.’’. (b) ST E E LP RO J E C T PRIORITIES.—Section 4(c)(1) of the Steel and Aluminum Energy Conservation and Technology Competitive- ness Act of 1988 (15 U.S.C. 510 3 (c)(1)) is amended— (1) in subparagraph ( H ), by stri k ing ‘‘coatings for sheet steels’’ and inserting ‘‘sheet and bar steels’’; and (2) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ‘‘( K ) The development of technologies which reduce greenhouse gas emissions.’’. (c) CONFOR M IN G AMEN D MENTS.—The Steel and Aluminum Energy Conservation and Technology Competitiveness Act of 1988 is further amended— (1) by striking section 7 (15 U.S.C. 5106); and (2) in section 8 (15 U.S.C. 5107), by inserting ‘‘, beginning with fiscal year 2008,’’ after ‘‘close of each fiscal year’’. TI T LEV II —NOR T H ERN MA RIANA I S LAN D S S ubti t le A—I m mi gra ti on, Se c urit y ,an d Labor SEC. 7 01. STATEMENT OF CONGRESSIONAL INTENT. (a) IMMIGRATION AND G RO W TH.—In recognition of the need to ensure uniform adherence to long-standing fundamental immigra- tion policies of the United States, it is the intention of the Congress in enacting this subtitle— (1) to ensure that effective border control procedures are implemented and observed, and that national security and homeland security issues are properly addressed, by extending the immigration laws (as defined in section 101(a)(17) of the Immigration and N ationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101 (a)(17)), to apply to the Commonwealth of the Northern M ariana Islands 48USC1 8 06note.