Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/946

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12 2 STA T .9 2 3PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 23 4—M A Y 22 , 200 8PublicLaw1 1 0–234 110 thCongres s A n Act Topr o videf or th e c o n tin ua tion of a g ricu l tural progra ms through fiscal y ear 201 2 , and for other purposes .Beit e nac te dby t h e S enate and Hous eo fR e pr esentati v es of the U nited States of Am erica in C on g ress assemb l ed ,SECTION1. S H O R T TIT L E

T AB LEO F CONTENTS. (a)SHORTTI T LE.— T hisActm a ybe cite d as the ‘ ‘ Fo od ,C o n- se rv ation, and E ner g yActo f20 0 8’ ’. (b) T AB LEO F CO N TENT S .—The tab l e of contents of this Act is as follo w s


ec. 1. Short title

ta b le of contents. Sec. 2. D efinition of Secretary. T I T LE I —COM MODIT YPR O G R A MS Sec. 1001. Definitions. Subtitle A—Direct Payments and Counter - Cyclical Payments Sec. 1102. Payment yields. Sec. 110 3 . Availability of direct payments. Sec. 110 4 . Availability of counter-cyclical payments. Sec. 110 5 . Average crop revenue election program. Sec. 110 6 . Producer agreement re q uired as condition of provision of payments. Sec. 110 7 . Planting fle x ibility. Sec. 110 8 . Special rule for long grain and medium grain rice. Sec. 110 9 . Period of effectiveness. Subtitle B —Mar k eting Assistance Loans and Loan Deficiency Payments Sec. 1201. Availability of nonrecourse marketing assistance loans for loan commod- ities. Sec. 1202. Loan rates for nonrecourse marketing assistance loans. Sec. 1203. Term of loans. Sec. 1204. Repayment of loans. Sec. 1205. Loan deficiency payments. Sec. 1206. Payments in lieu of loan deficiency payments for gra z ed acreage. Sec. 1207. Special marketing loan provisions for upland cotton. Sec. 1208. Special competitive provisions for extra long staple cotton. Sec. 1209. Availability of recourse loans for high moisture feed grains and seed cot- ton. Sec. 1210. Ad j ustments of loans. Subtitle C—Peanuts Sec. 1301. Definitions. Sec. 1302. Base acres for peanuts for a farm. Sec. 1303. Availability of direct payments for peanuts. Sec. 1304. Availability of counter-cyclical payments for peanuts. Sec. 1305. Producer agreement required as condition on provision of payments. Sec. 1306. Planting flexibility. Sec. 1307. Marketing assistance loans and loan deficiency payments for peanuts. Sec. 1308. Adjustments of loans. Subtitle D—Sugar Sec. 1401. Sugar program. 7USC8 7 01note.F oo d, Con s e rva t i on, and E ner gyAc t o f2 008. M ay 22, 2008 [H . R .2 4 1 9]