Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/957

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12 2 STA T .934PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 234 —M A Y 22 , 200 8Subti t leA—G e n e ra l P r ov i s ions Se c.13 1 0 1. C o m mission aut h orit y over a g reements , contracts or transactions in f oreign currency. Sec. 1310 2 . Anti - frau d authority over p rincipal-to-principal transactions. Sec. 13103. Criminal and civil penalties. Sec. 1310 4 . Authori z ation of appropriations. Sec. 1310 5 . T echnical and conforming amendments. Sec. 1310 6 . Portfolio margining and security inde x issues. Subtitle B —Significant Price D iscovery Contracts on E xempt Commercial M ar k ets Sec. 13201. Significant price discovery contracts. Sec. 13202. L arge trader reporting. Sec. 13203. Conforming amendments. Sec. 13204. Effective date. T I TLE X I V —MISCELLA N E OU S Subtitle A—Socially Disadvantaged Producers and Limited R esource Producers Sec. 14001. Improved program delivery by Department of Agriculture on Indian reservations. Sec. 14002. F oreclosure. Sec. 14003. Receipt for service or denial of service from certain Department of Agri- culture agencies. Sec. 14004. Outreach and technical assistance for socially disadvantaged farmers or ranchers. Sec. 14005. Accurate documentation in the Census of Agriculture and certain stud- ies. Sec. 14006. Transparency and accountability for socially disadvantaged farmers or ranchers. Sec. 1400 7 . Oversight and compliance. Sec. 1400 8 . Minority Farmer Advisory Committee. Sec. 1400 9 . National Appeals Division. Sec. 14010. Report of civil rights complaints, resolutions, and actions. Sec. 14011. Sense of Congress relating to claims brought by socially disadvantaged farmers or ranchers. Sec. 14012. Determination on merits of Pigford claims. Sec. 14013. Office of Advocacy and Outreach. Subtitle B—Agricultural Security Sec. 14101. Short title. Sec. 14102. Definitions. C HAPTER 1—A G R ICUL TURAL SECURIT Y Sec. 14111. Office of H omeland Security. Sec. 14112. Agricultural biosecurity communication center. Sec. 14113. Assistance to build local capacity in agricultural biosecurity planning, preparedness, and response. CHAPTER 2—OTHER PR OV I S IO N S Sec. 14121. Research and development of agricultural countermeasures. Sec. 14122. Agricultural biosecurity grant program. Subtitle C—Other Miscellaneous Provisions Sec. 14201. Cotton classification services. Sec. 14202. Designation of States for cotton research and promotion. Sec. 14203. Grants to reduce production of methamphetamines from anhydrous am- monia. Sec. 14204. Grants to improve supply, stability, safety, and training of agricultural labor force. Sec. 14205. Amendment to the Right to Financial Privacy Act of 1978. Sec. 14206. Report on stored q uantities of propane. Sec. 14207. Prohibitions on dog fighting ventures. Sec. 14208. Department of Agriculture conference transparency. Sec. 14209. Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act amendments. Sec. 14210. Importation of live dogs. Sec. 14211. Permanent debarment from participation in Department of Agriculture programs for fraud. Sec. 14212. Prohibition on closure or relocation of county offices for the Farm Serv- ice Agency. Sec. 14213. USDA Graduate School.