Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/101

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123STA T .8 1 PUBLIC LA W 111 – 3 —FE B. 4, 2 0 0 9‘ ‘ (f)DEV E LOPM E NT O FM O D EL E LE C T R ON I C H E A LT HR ECORD F ORMAT FOR C HILDREN ENROLLED IN MEDICAID OR CH IP.— ‘‘( 1 )IN G ENERAL.— Notla t er t h a nJ an u ar y 1 ,20 10, the S e c retary s hall esta b l i sha p ro g ra m to encourage the d e v elop - ment and dissemination of a model electronic health record format for children enrolled in the State plan under title X IX or the State child health plan under title XXI that is— ‘‘( A ) sub j ect to State la w s, accessible to parents, care- givers, and other consumers for the sole purpose of dem- onstrating compliance with school or leisure activity re q uirements, such as appropriate immuni z ations or physicals

‘‘( B ) designed to allow interoperable e x changes that conform with Federal and State privacy and security requirements; ‘‘(C) structured in a manner that permits parents and caregivers to view and understand the extent to which the care their children receive is clinically appropriate and of high quality; and ‘‘(D) capable of being incorporated into, and otherwise compatible with, other standards developed for electronic health records. ‘‘(2) F U NDING.— $5 ,000,000 of the amount appropriated under subsection (i) for a fiscal year shall be used to carry out this subsection. ‘‘(g) STUD Y OF PEDIATRIC HEALTH AND HEALTH CARE Q UALITY MEA S URES.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than July 1, 2010, the Institute of Medicine shall study and report to Congress on the extent and quality of efforts to measure child health status and the quality of health care for children across the age span and in relation to preventive care, treatments for acute conditions, and treatments aimed at ameliorating or correcting physical, mental, and developmental conditions in children. In conducting such study and preparing such report, the Institute of Medicine shall— ‘‘(A) consider all of the major national population-based reporting systems sponsored by the Federal G overnment that are currently in place, including reporting require- ments under Federal grant programs and national popu- lation surveys and estimates conducted directly by the Federal Government; ‘‘(B) identify the information regarding child health and health care quality that each system is designed to capture and generate, the study and reporting periods cov- ered by each system, and the extent to which the informa- tion so generated is made widely available through publica- tion; ‘‘(C) identify gaps in k nowledge related to children ’ s health status, health disparities among subgroups of chil- dren, the effects of social conditions on children’s health status and use and effectiveness of health care, and the relationship between child health status and family income, family stability and preservation, and children’s school readiness and educational achievement and attainment; and Deadlin e .R e ports . Deadline.