Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1334

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123STA T . 131 4PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 —M A R .3 0, 200 9(B)withresp e c tt o the portio n o f the P ro j ect th a t is l ocate d within the b o u ndaries of C a m p Pendleton , satis - factor y to the S ecretary, the D istrict, and the Secretary of the N a v y . ( 2 ) EQUITABLECR E D IT. — ( A ) ING ENERAL.—In the event of a transfer under para g raph ( 1 ), the District shall be entitled to an e q uitable credit for the costs associated with the proportionate share of the Secretary of the operation and maintenance of the Project. (B) A P PLICATI O N.— T he amount of costs described in subparagraph (A) shall be applied against the indebtedness of the District to the U nited States. (g) SCOPE O F SECTION.— (1) IN GENERAL.—E x cept as otherwise provided in this sec- tion, for the purpose of this section, the laws of the State of California shall apply to the rights of the United States pertaining to the use of water under this section. (2) L I M ITATION S .—Nothing in this section— (A) provides a grant or a relinquishment by the United States of any rights to the use of water that the United States acquired according to the laws of the State of Cali- fornia, either as a result of the acquisition of the land comprising Camp J oseph H . Pendleton and adjoining naval installations, and the rights to the use of water as a part of that acquisition, or through actual use or prescription or both since the date of that acquisition, if any

(B) creates any legal obligation to store any water in the Project, to the use of which the United States has those rights; (C) requires the division under this section of water to which the United States has those rights; or (D) constitutes a recognition of, or an admission by the United States that, the District has any rights to the use of water in the Santa M argarita R iver, which rights, if any, exist only by virtue of the laws of the State of California. (h) LIMITATIONS ON O PERATION AND ADMINISTRATION.—Unless otherwise agreed by the Secretary of the Navy, the Project— (1) shall be operated in a manner which allows the free passage of all of the water to the use of which the United States is entitled according to the laws of the State of California either as a result of the acquisition of the land comprising Camp Joseph H. Pendleton and adjoining naval installations, and the rights to the use of water as a part of those acquisitions, or through actual use or prescription, or both, since the date of that acquisition, if any; and (2) shall not be administered or operated in any way that will impair or deplete the quantities of water the use of which the United States would be entitled under the laws of the State of California had the Project not been built. (i) REPORTS TO CONGRESS.—Not later than 2 years after the date of the enactment of this Act and periodically thereafter, the Secretary and the Secretary of the Navy shall each submit to the appropriate committees of Congress reports that describe whether the conditions specified in subsection (b)(2) have been met and if so, the manner in which the conditions were met. Ap p licab ili ty.