Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1369

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123STA T . 13 49PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 —M A R .3 0, 2009 (1)INGE NE RAL.—TheS e cr e ta r yo r the tra nsf erre dw or k s o p erat i n g entity sha l l carry o u tanye m ergency e x traordinary operation and maintenance work on a pro j ect facility that the Secretary determines to b e necessary to minimi z e the risk of imminent harm to public health or safety , or property. ( 2 ) R E IMBU R S EMEN T .—The Secretary may ad v ance funds for emergency extraordinary operation and maintenance work and shall seek reimbursement from the transferred works oper - ating entity or benefitting entity upon receiving a written assur- ance from the governing body of such entity that it will nego- tiate a contract pursuant to section 9603 for repayment of costs incurred by the Secretary in undertaking such work. (3) F UN D ING.—If the Secretary determines that a project facility inspected and maintained pursuant to the guidelines and criteria set forth in section 9602(a) re q uires extraordinary operation and maintenance pursuant to paragraph (1), the Sec- retary may provide Federal funds on a nonreimbursable basis sufficient to cover 3 5 percent of the cost of the extraordinary operation and maintenance allocable to the transferred works operating entity, which is needed to minimize the risk of imminent harm. The remaining share of the Federal funds advanced by the Secretary for such work shall be repaid under subsection (b). SEC.9604 . R E LATION S H I P TOT W ENT Y-F IRST CENT U RY WATER WOR K S ACT. N othing in this subtitle shall preclude a transferred works operating entity from applying and receiving a loan-guarantee pursuant to the Twenty-First C entury W ater Works A ct( 4 3 U .S.C. 2401 et seq.). SEC. 960 5 . AUTHORI Z ATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as are necessary to carry out this subtitle. TI T LEX—WA TE RS ETTLE M E N TS S ubti t le A—S anJo a q uin Ri v e r Re s toration Settle m ent PARTI—S A NJO A QU IN RI VE R RESTORATION SETT L E M ENT A C T SEC. 1 0001. SHORT TITLE. This part may be cited as the ‘ ‘San J oaquin River Restoration Settlement Act ’ ’. SEC. 1000 2 . PURPOSE. The purpose of this part is to authorize implementation of the Settlement. SEC. 1000 3 . D EFINITIONS. In this part

(1) The terms ‘‘Friant D ivision long-term contractors’’, ‘‘Interim Flows’’, ‘‘Restoration Flows’’, ‘‘Recovered Water SanJo a qui n R i ver Re st oration Sett l e m ent Ac t .C ali f ornia. 43U SC 510d . 43 USC 510c.