Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1417

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123STA T . 13 97PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 —M A R .3 0, 2009 (A)anyexhib i ts t o the A gr ee m ent re qu iring the signa - ture o f the S e c retary

an d ( B ) any amendments to the Agreement necessary to ma k e the Agreement consistent w ith this subtit l e . ( 3 )A UTHORI T Y O FSEC RET A RY. —T he Secretary may carry out any action that the Secretary determines is necessary or a p propriate to implement the Agreement , the C ontract, and this section. ( 4 )A DM I N ISTRATION OF NA V A J O RESERVOIR RE L EASES.—The State of N ew M exico may administer water that has been released from storage in Na v a j o R eservoir in accordance with subparagraph 9 . 1 of the Agreement. (b) W ATER AVAILA B LE U NDER CONTRACT.— (1) Q UANTITIES OF W ATER AVAILABLE.— (A) I N G ENERAL.—Water shall be made available annually under the Contract for projects in the State of New Mexico supplied from the Navajo Reservoir and the San J uan River (including tributaries of the River) under New Mexico State E ngineer F ile Numbers 28 49, 2883, and 321 5 in the quantities described in subparagraph (B). (B) WATER Q UANTITIES.—The quantities of water referred to in subparagraph (A) are as follows


iver- sion (acre- feet / year) Deple- tion (acre- feet/ year) Navajo Indian Irrigation P roject 5 0 8,000 2 7 0,000 Navajo- G allup Water Supply Project 22, 6 50 20,780 Animas- L a Plata Project 4,680 2,340 Total 535,330 293,120 (C) MA X IMUM QUANTITY.—A diversion of water to the Nation under the Contract for a project described in subparagraph (B) shall not exceed the quantity of water necessary to supply the amount of depletion for the project. (D) TERMS, CONDITIONS, AND LIMITATIONS.—The diver- sion and use of water under the Contract shall be subject to and consistent with the terms, conditions, and limita- tions of the Agreement, this subtitle, and any other applicable law. (2) AMENDMENTS TO CONTRACT.—The Secretary, with the consent of the Nation, may amend the Contract if the Secretary determines that the amendment is— (A) consistent with the Agreement; and (B) in the interest of conserving water or facilitating beneficial use by the Nation or a subcontractor of the Nation. (3) RIGHTS OF THE NATION.—The Nation may, under the Contract—