Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1702

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123STA T . 1 68 2 PUBLIC LA W 111 – 22 —M A Y 2 0, 200 9recip ie nto r pro j ect s ponsor s hal l m eet all re qu irements f ortheo b li g ation of those fun d s , including site control, matching funds, and en v ironmental revie w requirements, e x cept as provided in subparagraphs (B) and ( C ) .‘ ‘(B) ACQUIS I T I ON , REHAB I L ITATION, OR CONSTRUC - TION. —N ot later than 24 months after the announcement referred to in subsection (c)(2), each recipient or project sponsor see k ing the obligation of funds for acquisition of housing, rehabilitation of housing, or construction of new housing for a grant announced under subsection (c)(2) shall meet all requirements for the obligation of those funds, including site control, matching funds, and environmental review requirements. ‘‘(C) EX TENSIONS.—At the discretion of the S ecretar y , and in compelling circumstances, the Secretary may extend the date by which a recipient or project sponsor shall meet the requirements described in subparagraphs (A) and (B) if the Secretary determines that compliance with the requirements was delayed due to factors beyond the reason- able control of the recipient or project sponsor. Such factors may include difficulties in obtaining site control for a pro- posed project, completing the process of obtaining secure financing for the project, obtaining approvals from State or local governments, or completing the technical submis- sion requirements for the project. ‘‘(2) O BLI G ATION.—Not later than 4 5 days after a recipient or project sponsor meets the requirements described in para- graph ( 1 ), the Secretary shall obligate the funds for the grant involved. ‘‘( 3 ) D ISTRIBUTION.—A recipient that receives funds through such a grant— ‘‘(A) shall distribute the funds to project sponsors (in advance of expenditures by the project sponsors)

and ‘‘(B) shall distribute the appropriate portion of the funds to a project sponsor not later than 45 days after receiving a request for such distribution from the project sponsor. ‘‘(4) EX P EN D ITURE O F FUNDS.— T he Secretary may establish a date by which funds made available through a grant announced under subsection (c)(2) for a homeless assistance project shall be entirely expended by the recipient or project sponsors involved. The date established under this paragraph shall not occur before the expiration of the 24-month period beginning on the date that funds are obligated for activities described under paragraphs (1) or (2) of section 423(a). The Secretary shall recapture the funds not expended by such date. The Secretary shall reallocate the funds for another homeless assistance and prevention project that meets the requirements of this subtitle to be carried out, if possible and appropriate, in the same geographic area as the area served through the original grant. ‘‘(e) R ENE W AL F UNDING FOR U NSUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS.—The Secretary may renew funding for a specific project previously funded under this subtitle that the Secretary determines meets the pur- poses of this subtitle, and was included as part of a total application that met the criteria of subsection (c), even if the application was not selected to receive grant assistance. The Secretary may renew Timep e r i od.D e a d l i n e. Deadline. Deadline.