Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2318

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123STA T . 22 98PUBLIC LA W 111 – 8 4—O CT. 28 , 2 0 09 ofthein fo rma tion to the p er s onne l file of a person an d notifi c a - tion re qu irements , in the same manner as information recei v ed under para g raph (1) under such su b section

and ‘ ‘( B ) the information is treated under paragraph ( 3 )of subsection (c) and subsection (d) of such section, relating to a board revie w under such section, in the same manner as information received under paragraph (1) of such subsection (c) . ‘‘(3) F or purposes of this subsection, new information is informa- tion that is credible and that — ‘‘( A ) is found or received after N ovember 1 8 ,1 9 9 7 ,b y a U nited S tates intelligence agency, by a D epartment of Defense agency, or by a person specified in section 1 504 (g) of this title; or ‘‘(B) is identified after November 18, 1997, in records of the United States as information that could be relevant to the case of one or more unaccounted for persons covered by subsection (a). ‘‘(f) CO O RDINAT ION REQU IRE M ENT S .—(1) I n establishing and car- rying out the program, the Secretary of Defense shall coordinate with the Secretaries of the military departments, the Chairman of the J oint Chiefs of Staff, and the commanders of the combatant commands. ‘‘( 2 ) In carrying out the program, the Secretary of Defense shall establish close coordination with the Department of State, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the National Security Council to enhance the ability of the Department of Defense POW/M IA accounting community to account for persons covered by subsection (a). ’ ’. (b) C L ERI C AL AMENDMENT.— T he table of sections at the begin- ning of chapter 7 6 of such title is amended by stri k ing the item relating to section 1509 and inserting the following new item

‘ 1509.Prog r amt or es o lv e p ree n a c tment m i ssing person cases. ’ ’. (c) CON F ORMIN G AMENDMENT.—Section 1513(1) of such title is amended in the matter after subparagraph (B) by striking ‘‘section 1509(b) of this title who is required by section 1509(a)(1) of this title’’ and inserting ‘‘subsection (a) of section 1509 of this title who is required by subsection (b) of such section’’. (d) IM P LEMENTATION.— (1) PRIORIT Y .—A priority of the program required by section 1509 of title 10, United States Code, as amended by subsection (a), to resolve missing person cases arising before the enactment of chapter 76 of such title by section 569 of the National Defense Authori z ation Act for Fiscal Y ear 1996 (Public L aw 104 – 106; 110 Stat. 336) shall be the return of missing persons to United States control alive. (2) ACCOUNTING FOR GOAL.—In implementing the program, the Secretary of Defense, in coordination with the officials specified in subsection (f)(1) of section 1509 of title 10, United States Code, shall provide such funds, personnel, and resources as the Secretary considers appropriate to increase significantly the capability and capacity of the Department of Defense, the Armed Forces, and commanders of the combatant commands to account for missing persons so that, beginning with fiscal year 2015, the POW/MIA accounting community has sufficient 10USC 1 5 0 9note.