Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2667

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123STA T . 2 647PUBLIC LA W 111 –8 4 —O CT. 28 , 2 0 0 9Subti t leB—Ch e m i ca l D emilita r i z ati onA uthorization sSEC.241 1. AUTHORIZ ATIO N O F A P PROPRIATIONS , CHE M ICA LD EMILI - TARIZATION CONSTRUCTION, DEFENSE- W IDE. Fundsareh ere by au t h o r iz edtobea p propriated f or fis c a l years be g inning after S epte m ber 30,2 00 9 , for military construction and land ac q uisition for chemical demilitarization in the total amount of $15 1,5 4 1,000 as follo w s


1 ) For the construction of phase 11 of a chemical munitions demilitarization facility at P ueblo C hemical A cti v ity, Colorado, authorized by section 2401(a) of the M ilitary Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Y ear 199 7 (division B of Public L aw 104 – 201

110 Stat . 2775), as amended by section 240 6 of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000 (division B of Public Law 106–65; 113 Stat. 8 39), section 2407 of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003 (division B of Public Law 107–314; 116 Stat. 2698), and section 2413 of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009 (division B of Public Law 110–417; 122 Stat. 4697), $92,500,000. (2) For the construction of phase 10 of a munitions demili - tarization facility at Blue G rass Army D epot, K entuc k y, author- ized by section 2401(a) of the Military Construction Authoriza- tion Act for Fiscal Year 2000 (division B of Public Law 106– 65; 113 Stat. 835), as amended by section 2405 of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2002 (division B of Public Law 107–107; 115 Stat. 1298), section 2405 of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003 (division B of Public Law 107–314; 116 Stat. 2698), and section 2414 of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009 (division B of Public Law 110–417; 122 Stat. 4697), $59,041,000. TI T LEX X V — NOR T H ATLANTIC TREAT Y OR G ANI Z ATION SEC U RITY INVEST -M ENT P ROGRAM Sec.2501 . Authoriz e dN A TO co ns truction a nd l and ac q uisition p ro j ects. Sec. 2502. Authorization o f appropriations , NATO. SEC. 2 50 1. AUTHORIZED NATO CONSTRUCTION AND LAND AC Q UISI- TION PRO J ECTS. T he Secretary of Defense may make contributions for the N orth Atlantic Treaty O rganization Security I nvestment Program as pro- vided in section 2806 of title 10, U nited States Code, in an amount nottoe x ceed the sum of the amount authorized to be appropriated for this purpose in section 2502 and the amount collected from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as a result of construction previously financed by the United States. SEC. 2502. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS, NATO. Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal years beginning after September 30, 2009, for contributions by the Sec- retary of Defense under section 2806 of title 10, United States