Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/536

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123STA T .5 1 6PUBLIC LA W 111 – 5 —FE B.1 7, 2 0 0 9(2)Thenatio na lbr oa d band p lan re qu ired b y thi s se c tion shall see k to ensure that all people o f the U nited S tates ha v e access to broadband capability and shall establish bench m arks for meetin g that goal . The plan shall also include — ( A ) an analysis of the most effective and efficient mechanisms for ensuring broadband access by all people of the United States

( B ) a detailed strategy for achieving affordability of such service and ma x imum utili z ation of broadband infra - structure and service by the public; ( C ) an evaluation of the status of deployment of broadband service , including progress of pro j ects supported by the grants made pursuant to this section; and ( D ) a plan for use of broadband infrastructure and services in advancing consumer w elfare, civic participation, public safety and homeland security, community develop- ment, health care delivery, energy independence and effi- ciency, education, worker training, private sector invest- ment, entrepreneurial activity, job creation and economic growth, and other national purposes. ( 3 ) I n developing the plan, the Commission shall have access to data provided to other G overnment agencies under the Broadband Data Improvement Act ( 47 U.S.C. 1 3 0 1 note). (l) The Assistant Secretary shall develop and maintain a com- prehensive nationwide inventory map of existing broadband service capability and availability in the United States that depicts the geographic extent to which broadband service capability is deployed and available from a commercial provider or public provider throughout each State. N ot later than 2 years after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Assistant Secretary shall make the broadband inventory map developed and maintained pursuant to this section accessible by the public on a W orld Wide Web site of the National Telecommunications and Information Adminis- tration in a form that is interactive and searchable. (m) The Assistant Secretary shall have the authority to pre- scribe such rules as are necessary to carry out the purposes of this section. TI T LEV II — LI M IT SON E X E CU TIVE COM P ENS A TION SEC.70 00. TABL E OF CO N TENTS. The table of contents of this title is as follows


T LEV II — LI M IT SON E X E CU TIVE COM P ENS A TION S ec.70 00. T abl e of co nt ent s . Sec. 700 1 . E x ec u t iv eco mp ensation an d co r porate g overnance. Sec. 700 2 . Applicabilit yw it h respect to loan modifications. SEC. 700 1 . E X EC U T IV ECO MP ENSATION AN D CO R PORATE G OVERN - ANCE. Section 111 of the E mergency Economic Stabilization Act of 200 8 (12 U.S.C. 5 221) is amended to read as follows: Regulations.D ea d line. W e bp osting. P ubli c in f o rm ation. B roadband map.