Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/22

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    • 9*,

Emerance Gouler. An act amendutory of en act entitled “Au act granting apension to Mrs. Emomnco ‘Gouler." July 13, 1866, ch. 185 .. .. . 594 Maw A. Patrick, Pension to. An act for the relief of Mary A. Patrick. July 18, 1866, ch. 186. . 595 Joel Farley, Penszbn to. An act for the relief of Joel Farley. July 13, 1866, ch. 187 . . .. 595 James L. Parham, Pension w. An act for the relief ofJames L. Perham. July IB, 1866, eh. 188. 595 John W Janes, Penmbn to. An not for the beneiit of John W. Jones. July 13, l8§6, ch. 189 595 Am Sheihey, Pension and Payment to: An act granting a pension to Ann Sheehey. July 18, 1866, 595 c· 190 .. . ... . ... . . .. . .. ... .. ... Gharlu M Stout. An act for the relief of Charles M.`Stout, late e second lieutenant in company E, seventh regiment Pennsylvania reserve corps. July 13, 1866, ch. 191 596 Frank gygzgh, t0. An act for the relief of Lieutenant-Colonel Frank Lynch. July 13, 596 , e . .. . . John Gordon, Pension 'to. An act forthe relief of John Gordon. July 13, 1866, ch. 198 . 596 JZ Judson Barclay, Payment to. An ut for the relief of J. Judson Barclay. July 13, 1866, ch. 194 596 Mazilda 1. Monroe, Pension to. An act for the relief of Matilda. I. Monroe. July 18, 1866, nh. D5 596 Lucinda Gates, Pemzbn to. An mt for the relief of Lucinda Gates. July 13, 1866, ch. 196 .. 597 Mary A. McManus. An act granting a pension to Mrs. Mnry A. McManus, widow of Captain glndgy McManus, hte of the sixty-ninth Pennsylvania volunteer infantry. July 13, 1866, 597 Marais Scadergood. An act granting an increase of pension to Mrs, Mercie E. Scnttergood. July 13, 1866, ch. 198. . . .. . .. 597 George W. Bush, Penszlcm to. An act for the relief of George W. Bush. July 13, 1866, cb. 199. . 597 A. T. S cer and Gurdon S. Hubbard, Account q/Q to be audited and paid. An act for the relief of m. Spencer and Gurdon S. Hubbard. July 18, 1866, ch. 203 ... . 597 Samaruha Rader, Pension to. An wet for the relief of Samantha Rader. July 18, 1866, eh. 204. . 598 Jonathan W. Beach. An act granting ax pension to Jonathan W. Beach. July 18, 1866, oh. 205 598 Ohqrlalu E. Reed. An ant granting a pension to Mrs. Charlotte E. Reed. July 18, 1866, ch. 206 598 Salvador Accadi, Pensakm to minor Children q;? An act for the relief of the minor children of Sal— vndor Aecadi, deceased. July 18, 1866, ch. 207 . 598 Wilhhm G. Lee, Payment to. An ut for the benefit of William G. Lee. July 23, 1866, ch. 220. . 599 Vwlliam H. Wheeler, Duplabate of Band to be issued to, ya. An act for the relief of William H. Wheeler, of Bangor, Maine. July 23, 1866, ch. 221 . . ... 599 Owners of the Hawaiian Bark, §·c., Payment to. An act for the relief of the owners of the Hawaiian buk,," V." July 28, 1866, ch. 222 ... 599 Owners of the Bark “Maria Hemjy," Payment m. An act for the relief of the owners of the bark

  • ‘ Maria Hom·y.” July 26, 1866, ch. 223 ... 599

Edward P. McKin , Allowance to. An act for the relief of Edward P. McKinney, of Bin bamton, New Yorgfinm captain and assistant oommissary of subsistence. July 23, 1866, ci. 224 600 Henry Home, Payment to. An act for the benefit of Henry Horne. July 23, 1866, ch. 225 .. 600 William Cook, Payment co. An m for the relief of WiHium Cook. July 28, 1866, cn. 226 .. 600 Horace I. Hodgei, Allowance to Heirs q/I An not for the relief of the heirs of Horace I. Hodges. July 23, 1866, ch. 227 . ... 600 Listen H. Pearce, Payment ta. An act for the relief of Liston H. Pearce. July 23, 1866, ch. 228. 601 James G. Holland, A. Credit to be allowed to. An act for the relief of James G. Holland, late acting assistant paymaste1··United States navy. July 23, 1866, ch. 229 ... 601 The British vessel "M `cienne," Owners o , and ’ . ‘ owners of theaglritish vessel “Me`QicimnSe{Wqx£lQ;2Po?'iq§62;?chfg;6?t.?{ 601 Tlwmas W. Stevens. An act for the relief of Thomas W. Stevens. July 25, 1866, ch. 257 .. 602 Alois Klaus. An act for the relief of Alois Klaus. July 25, 1866, ch. 258 602 James P. Johnson. An act for the relief of James P. Johnson. July 25, 1866, ch. 259 .. 602 Daniel Winslow. An act for the relief of Daniel Winslow. July 25, 1866, ch. 260 . 602 Eleanor C'. Ransom. An act for the relief of Mrs. Eleanor C. Ransom. July 25, 1866, ch. 261 . . 602 W'. B. Kdky. An act for the relief of W. B. Kelley. July 26, 1866, eh. 271 603 Nancy A. Stocks. An act granting a, pension to Mrs. Nancy A. Stocks. July 26, 1866, ch. 272. 603 Drusey A. Layman. An act granting u pension to Druscy A. Layman. July 26, 1866, cb. 273. 608 John Pyle. An act granting a pension to John Pyle. July 26, 1866, cb. 274 . 603 Abraham Lansing. An act granting e pension to Abraham Lansing. July 26, 1866, ch. 275. . 608 Zwhgsgyg. gén act to extend the time of letters patent issued to Thaddeus Hyatt, July 26, , . ; .. 604 ’“‘" ”,,.“*°.."*".,; .:¥2.£.,£°; *'$F...;*"é$€ $5623*;*.; E;‘.‘2€*i€“:.‘f‘f‘?.€‘i‘fi?’1‘i'.$‘f.°Ti*i‘Z”??”ti’If’F.*?E"?¥*? 60.. Samuel Stevens. Au_ not to authorize Samuel Stevens, a Stockbridge Indian, to enter and pur- @9: certain tract of land in the Stockbridge reservation, Wisconsin. July 27, 1866, • l••••••¤•••i••••·•¤•••¤an••¤yuq¤••••¤••¤·••¤¤••¤••••••••••••••••••¤••••••