Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/222

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192 THIRTY—NI`NTH CONGRESS. Swiss. I. Ch. 208. 1866. for the second regular session of the thirty-ninth Congress, eight hundred dollars each, four thousand dollars. Globe and Ap- For one complete set of the Congressional Globe and Appendix for P°¤di¤¥ Sm ’° each senator in the thirty-ninth Congress who has not already received "°{Y,§$§’$f’"‘ them: Provided, however, That any senator who has already, as a member of the House of Representatives, received a portion of a set of the Congressional Globe, shall only be entitled to receive as such senator the additional volumes required to complete one full set, six thousand eight hundred dollars. Globe and Ap- For paying the publishers of the Congressional Globe and Appendix, P°°dl¥· according to the number of copies taken, one cent for every five pages exceeding three thousand, including th; lindexes and laws of the United States, twelve thousand nine hundred dollars. Clerks és; com- For clerks to committees, pages, horses, and carryalls, twenty thousand ml“·°°°• I · dollars. Capttolpolice. For capitol police, twenty-one thousand four hundred and eighty dol- Proviso. lars: Provided, That three hundred and thirty dollars of the appropriation for the capitol police may be used during the present fiscal year. Hwang and For expenses of heating and ventilating apparatus, twenty thousand '°¤f *i¤B· five hundred dollars. Miscellaneous. For miscellaneous items, thirty thousand dollars. W5} md mil°· For compensation and mileage of members of the House of Represen-

,,g;,,%,_r§,I;i§S€n` tatives and delegates from Territories, one million dollars.

of officers, For compensation of the officers, clerks, messengers, and others receiv- °l°'l"» &°· ing an annual salary in the service of the House of Representatives, viz: clerk of the House of Representatives, three thousand six hundred dollars; chief clerk and one assistant clerk, at two thousand one hundred and sixty dollars each; eleven clerks, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; principal messenger in the office, at four dollars and eighty cents per day, one thousand seven hundred and fifty-two dollars; three messengers, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; messenger to the speaker, at four dollars and eighty cents per day, one thousand seven hundred and fifty-two dollars; clerk to the committee of ways and means, two thousand one hundred and sixty dollars; clerk to the committee on appropriations, two thousand one hundred and sixty dollars; clerk to the committee of claims, one thousand eight hundred dollars; clerk to the committee on public lands, one thousand eight hundred dollars; sergeant·at-arms, two thousand one hundred and sixty dollars; clerk to the sergeant-at-arms, one thousand eight hundred dollars; messenger to the sergeant—at-arms, one thousand two hundred dollars; postmaster, two thousand one hundred and sixty dollars; assistant postmaster, one thousand seven hundred and forty dollars; four messengers, at one thousand four hundred and forty dollars each; two mail boys, at nine hundred dollars each; capitol police, twenty-one thousand four hundred and eighty dollars: Provided, That three hundred and thirty dollars of the appropriation for the capitol police may be used during the present fiscal year; doorkecper, two thousand one hundred and sixty dollars; superintendent of the folding-room, one thousand eight hundred dollars; superintendent of the document-room and assistant, at one thousand seven hundred and fifty-two dollars; one messenger, at one thousand seven hundred and forty dollars; five messengers, at one thousand five hundred dollars each; six messengers, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; twelve messengers, to be employed during the session of Congress, at the rate of one thousand two hundred dollars each per annum; chaplain to the House of Representatives, seven hundred and fifty dollars; for stenpgrapher, thirtxsix hundred and fifty dollars ; making one hundred and t irteen thousan one hundred and forty dollars. contingentex. For contingent expenses of the House of Representatives, viz : —

;>;5¤¤¤¤· For cartage, two thousand dollars.