Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/332

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302 THIRTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 283, 284. 1866. paying the debt, and for other purposes,' approved June thirtieth, eighteen hundred €ggf;!;r”{‘,*for and sixty-four," approved March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, ··wm,0,§;h,w;,,g be, and the same is hereby, amended by striking out the words " without first ¤bY¤i¤¤d Rn having first obtained a license so to d0," and inserting in lieu thereof the 1‘°°"5° s°°°d°' words, “ without paying the special tax therefor." Approved, July 27, 1866. July 27, 1868. CHAP. CCLXXKIV`.-—An Act to amend the Acts relatin_ to Officers em layed in the """`_`—_— Examination of imporled Jlerchandise in the District of New ger/c, and for 0{£T Purposes. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives ¢y" the United m22z ¤P£;¤£mi' States of America in Ctmgres: assembled, That in lieu of the appraisers at the gg., of now authorized by law for the appraisement of goods, wares, and mer· New lork. chandise at the port of New York, the President of the United States shall, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, appoint for said port one appraiser, who has had experience as an appraiser, or who shall Q¤¤li6<>¤fi¤¤¤· be practically acquainted with the quality and value of some one or more of the chief articles of importation subject to appraisement, and who, be- Ustb. fore he enters upon the duties of his office, shall take and subscribe an oath faithfully to direct and supervise the examination, inspection, and appraisement according to law, of such goods, wares, and merchandise as the collector may direct, and as is hereinafter provided fcr, and to cause to be duly reported to the collector the true value thereof, as required by law: Packages to Provided, That the collector shall not, under any circumstances, direct t0

i£<:'::; be sent for examination and appraisement less than one package of every

appmisgmcm mvoice, and one package at least out of every ten packages of goods, wares, and merchandise, and a greater number should he, or the appraiser, Provisc. or any assistant appraiser, deem it necessary: Provided, nevertheless, that when from the character and description of the goods, wares, and merchandise, the Secretary of the Treasury may be of the opinion that the examination of a less proportion of packages will amply protect the revenue, he may, by special regulation, direct a less number of packages when and to be examined. And the appraiser, created by this act, in cases of his h<>w·¤ppr¤iS·=r necessary and occasional absence, may perform his functions, ad interim, §‘;*;,{,;$t by by deputy, designated by him in writing, from the assistant appraisers t0 be appointed under the provisions of this act. TM5 ¤=¤iS*¤¤¤ Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That in lieu of the assistant apprais-

p£;?:;;'&°,$;b° ers now authorized by law for the port of New York, the Secretary of the

nie port of New Treasury may appoint not exceeding ten assistant appraisers for said port, Y°*‘ · who have had experience as appraisers. or who shall be practically acquaint- Quulilications. ed with the quality and value of some one or more of the chief articles of importation subject to appraisemeut, and included among the goods, wares, or merchandise, to the examination and appraisement of which they are respectively to be assigned, and who shall be employed in appraising _T¤ _¤¤¤ ¤¤d<=r goods, according to law, under the direction and supervision of the apg;;?;QQ;,_°f praiser; and each of whom shall, before entering upon the duties of his Oath. office, take and subscribe an oath diligently and faithfully to examine and inspect such goods, wares, and merchandise as the appraiser may direct, Their ¤;)P<¤¤ and truly to report to him the true value thereof, according to law; such Q5;;;;;? fg be report to be subject to revision and correction by the appraiser, and when deemed the ap- approved by him to be transmitted to the collector, and to be deemed and P;!;;'éE:l";,°“'ia:;‘ taken to be the appraisement by the United States local appraiser of the q Ydistrict of such goods, wares, or merchandise required by law. _ 0¤¤ of they- Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That one of the assistant appraisers

§‘;Q°¤‘;§_’*;“‘s` to be appointed by virtue of this act, with special reference to his qualifispma1exams;m cations for the duties in this section set fbrth, shall, in addition to the du-

° *****8**- ties that may be required of him by the appraiser, perform the duties and act in the place and stead of the special examiner of drugs, medicines, chemicals, and so forth, at the port of New York, as provided by the act