Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/4

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Library ey the Smithsonian Institution. An act to provide for the transfer of the custody of the li rary of the Smithsonian Institute to the Library of Congress. April 5, 1866, ch. 25. ., 18 District Courts in Jlhnnesota. An act to provide for a. term of the district court for the district of Minnesota, to be held at the city of Winona, in said district. April 5, 1866, ch. 26 .. 14 Relief of Seamen and others. An act to amend the act entitled "An not for the relief of seamen and others bome on the books of vessels wrecked or lost¤in the naval service," approved July four, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, and for other purposes. April 6, 1866, ch. 27 14 Deiiiciertqy Appropriations. An act making additional appropriations, and to supply the deficiencies in the appropriations, for sundry civil exfenses o the government for t 0 ilscal year ending the t irtieth of June, eighteen hun red and sixty-six, and for other purposes. April 7, 1866, ch. 28 . 14 Dakota Territory. An act to provide arms and ammunition for the defence of the inhabitants of Dakota Perritory. April 7, 1866, ch. 29 26 Civd Riqlds. An act to protect all persons in the United States in their civil rights,- and furnish the means of their vindication. April 9, 1866, ch. 81 27 Grantof Lands to Whconsin. An act granting to the State of Wisconsin a donation of public lands to aid in the construction of a breakwater and harbor and ship canal at the head of Stur?on Bay, in the county of Door, in said State, to connect the waters of Green Bay with like Michigan, in said State. April 10, 1866, ch. 82 80 Cascade Railroad Company. An act to grant the right of way to the “Cascade Railroad Company " through a military reserve in Washington Territory. April 10, 1866, ch. 83 .. 81 Treasury Notes, dw:. maybe retired. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to provide ways and means to support the government," approved March third, eighteen undred and sixty—1ive. April 12, 1866, ch. 39. , . ... 31 Pennsylvania. An act to reimburse the State of Pennsylvania for moneys advanced government for war purposes. April 12, 1866, ch. 40 ... 32 Mutual Fire Insurance Company. An act to amend "An act to incorporate the Mutual Fire Insurance Company of the District of Columbia." April 12, 1866, ch. 41 ... 32 Collection Districts. An act to establish the collection district of Port Huron, the collection district of Michigan, the collection district of Montana and Idaho, and to change the name of the collection district of Penobscot. April 13, 1866, ch. 44 82 Na1yAppreprialion. An act making appropriations for the naval service for the year ending thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven. April 17, 1866, ch. 45 . .. 38

 An act to reimburse the State of Missouri for moneys expended for the United States

in enrolling, equipping, and provisioning militia forces to aid in suppressing the rebellion. April 17, 1866, ch. 46 88 Liberia. An act to authorize the President of the United States to trausferagunboat to the government of the republic of Liberia. April 17, 1866, ch. 47 39 Postage. An act to provide that the " soldier’s individual memorial " shall be carried through the mails at the usual rats of printed matter. April 17, 1866, ch. 48 ... 40 1.{orine'Hospt2aln and Revenue Cutters. An act to authorize the sale of marine hospitals and of revenue cutters. April 20, 1866, ch. 63 ,. .. 40 The ".2|Ih:hfgan,” “Des;¤ulch," and “William K. Muir."An act to issue American registers to the steam vcsse s “Michigan," “Despatch," and “William K. Muir," and for other purposes. April 25, 1866, ch. 65 t 40 Public Printing Defici Appropriation. An 8166 makin appropriations to suppl delicicncy in. the appmpriatioimr the public printincg. for the gscal year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and sixty-six. April 26, 1866, . 68 ... . 41 Accounts of the Treasurer my the United States. An act to facilitate the settlement of the accounts of the Treasurer o the United States, and to secure certain moneys to the people of the United States, or to persons to whom they are due, and who are entitled to receive the same. May 2, 1866, ch. 70 ... 41 Duties under Reciprocity Treaty. An act to remit and refund certain duties. May 2, 1866, ch. 71 42 Pay Departmento the Navy. An act to rovide for the better organization of the pay depart ment of tim navy. May 8, 1866, 72 40 Nevada. An act concerning the boundaries of the State of Nevada. May 5, 1866, ch. 73 .. 43 Telegraph to Cuba, §·c. An act to encourage tciegraphic communication between the United tutes and the Island of Cuba and other est India Islands and the Bahamas. May 5, 1866, ch. 74 . . .. . 44 Court of Chim:. An act to extend the jurisdiction of the court of claims. May 9, 1866, ch. 75.. 44 Levy Court. An not enlarging the were of the lcv co rt of the coun of Washi gton, in the District of Columbia. Mg; 9, 1866, ch. 76 . . . ... 45 National Theobgical Institute. An act to incorporate the National Theological Institute. May 10, 1866, ch. 79 .. . .. . 45 Orders fom Supcrabr O_yEcer!obsuDefence th certain Suits. An act to amend an act entitled ‘Au act relating to habeas corpus, and regulating judicial proceedings an certain cases," approved March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-three. ay 11, 1866, ch. 80 ... ,. 46 Five Gent Pieces. An act to authorize the coinage of ive cent pieces. May 16, 1866, ch. 81 47