Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/438

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408 THIRTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 65, G6, 67, 76. 1867. Coqvc may al- supreme court, or thé judge trying the case, may allow such number of l°""*"*”"”°’ f°‘ witnesses on behalf of the defendant as may appear necessary, and the defence to be . . . . pm M_ gm fees thereof, with the costs of scrvxce, to be pand m the same manner 35 government witnesses arc now paxd. Repealing Sec. 13. And be it further enacted, That all laws of SZ1d Dxsmct. in- °]““*°· consistent with the provisions of this act bc, and the same are hereby, When acztakes repealed; aud that this act shall takc cifcct from and after its passage. °° °°”· APPROVED, February 22, 1867. Feb. 22. 1867. CHAP. LXVI. -—-An Act to restore Lieutenam Joseph P. Fyjé to his Grade in Active Service of the Akwy. Be it enacted by the Senale and Hzuse of Representatives of the United Lieut. Joseph States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the Eéplgfggdmgytgg United States be authorized to nominate, and withthe advice and consent active list of {bg of the Senate to appoint, Lieutenant Joseph P. Fyffc to the active list of ¤’*VV»&°· the navy, and to restore him to the rank to which he may be entitled thereon. APPROVED, February 22, 1867. Feb. 22, 1867. CHAP. LXVII.—-An Act fixing the Compensation {br the Bailéfs and Criers of the

 Courts of the District of C0 umbia.

Be it enacted the Senate and House 0 Re resentatives of the United . . P . . ~ . Puy ofbui1ift‘s States of America m Congress assembled, That the ba1hH s and crxcrs, who Zggggairfhgfggf are required by the marshal or courts of the District of Columbia to at— mot of 00mm_ tend upon the district, circuit, or criminal court of said District, shall ba bia. aid b said marshal three dollars and fift cents cr da for each da ’s P Y _ Y P Y Y attendance, (instead of two dollars, as now provided by law,) commencing with the first of January, eightcch hundred and sixty-six. APPROVED, February 22, 1867. Feb. 25, 1867. CHAP. LXXVI. —— An Act to authorize the Construction <y’ a submerged Tubular Bridge " across the Mississippi River at the City of Saint Louis. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United A submerged States of America in Congress assembled, That the “Mississippi Subgggggugggxe merged Tubular Bridge C0mpany," a. corporation organized under the built und main- laws of the State of Missouri, bc, and the same-: is hereby, empowered to gin?? €*°*`9$:_:;‘; construct, maintain, and operate a. submerged iron tubular bridge across nf§; i;;p£Lu{S the Mississippi rivcc, between tE1c city of Sfzint Louis, in the State of Missouri, and the cnty of East bamt; Louns, in the State of Illinois, sub- Jcct to all the conditions contained in said act; of incorporation and not Questions of inconsistent with the provisions of this act. And in case of any litigation t‘E:;?‘£2;g§i;1;° arising from any obstruction, or alleged obstruction, to the frac navigation of- the ,-gvemmy of said waters, the cause may be tried before the district court of the b¤¥1Fi€d i¤ WNW United States of any State in which any portion of said obstruction or °°“"s' bridvc touches

£0Pt <a\’ bY§gg° Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That any bridge built under the probed if ifgvrivgn visions of this act shall be tubular in construction, and sunk below the bed

Sm. of said river, so that the top of said structure shall be below the bed of the channel of the Mississippi river, and so that the same shall in no wisc interfere with or obstruct navigation when completed, or prevent a. safe and expeditious transit for all classes of vessels upon said river duri‘ _ construction. {my such SEO. 3. And be it further enacted, That any bridge erected under the bfxiég *;£;L provisions of this act: shall be u lawful structure, and shall be recognized fm ap0s,;_muw and known as a post,-route, upon which also no higher charge shall be made Charges for for the transmission over the same of the mails, the troops, the munitions '””’P°““"°“· of war of the United States, than the rate per mile which the railroad companies terminating at either and receive for such services.