Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/551

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THIRTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 176. 1867. 521 no appeal or writ of error shall be allowed in any case from the circuit witof errortc courts to the Supreme Court of the United States, unless the matter in gjllgugzjm dispute in such case shall exceed two thousand dollars. gw, ' Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That the justices of the Supreme (i¤¤¢¤¤l°f{li¤¤ Court of the United States, subject to the provisions of this act, shall ;°;;.,:§§g;°:::,{p$0_ frame general orders for the following purposes: —— eedure inbank- For regulating the practice and procedure of the district courts in ""P“’Yi bankruptcy, and the several forms of petitions, orders, and other proceedings to be used in said courts in all matters under this act; _ For regulating the duties of the various officers of said courts; c°‘;‘;f;g£r°g‘ For regulating the fees payable andthe charges and costs to be allowed, fees, c0sr,s,¤,hd except such as are established by this act or by law, with respect to all °l*=*¤‘S°¤· proceedings in bankruptcy before said courts, not exceeding the rate of fees now allowed by law for similar services in other proceedings; For regulating the practice and procedure upon appeals; appeals; For regulating the filing, custody, and inspection of records ; *€°°l'd¤9 And generally for carrying the provisions of this act into cifcct. generally;. After such general orders shall have been so framed, they or any of eé“z>;_i:$A;?;3'“0‘:‘ them may be rescinded or varied, and other general orders may be framed net,. mms u,,,};,,, in manner aforesaid; and all such general orders so framed shall from to be reported time to time be reported to Congress, with such suggestions as said jus- m C°“$”°“‘ ttces may think proper. Volunmy l votunrnnr mniciturror-cominucmtnnr or- rnocemomcs. Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That if any person residing within °f K}`Qg€;‘;°g;i,_ the jurisdiction of the United States, owing debts provable under this act ply for the time- ¤X000<ii¤g the amount of three hundred dollars, shall ;;_pp]y by petition lit of this actatldressed to the ju_dge of the judicial district in which such debtor has resided or carried on business for the six months next immediately preced- Petition. ing the time of liling such petition, or for the longest period during such six months, setting forth his place of residence, his inability to pay all his debts in full, his willingness to surrender all his estate and effects for the benefit of his creditors and his desire to obtain the benefit of this act, and Schedule or shall annex to his petition a schedule, veriiicd by oath before the court or Slebistand °{°Eibelbrc n register in bankruptcy, or before one of the commissioners of the ;;§°,T,__° °°“ m circuit court ol' the United States, containing a full and true statement of all his debts, and, as ihr as possible, to whom due, with the place of residence of each creditor, if known to the debtor, and if not known the fact to be so stated, and the sum due to each creditor; also, the nature of each debt or demand, whether founded on written security, obligation, contract, or otherwise, and also the true cause and consideration of such indebtedness in each case, and the place where such indebtedness accrued, and a statement of any existing mortgage, pledge, lien, judgment, or collateral or other security given for the payment of the same; and shall also annex to Inveuteryd his petition an accurate inventory, verilied in like manner, of all his es- °°‘“‘°· tate, both real and personal, assignable under this act, describing the same and stating where it is situated, and whether there are any, and if so, what encumbrances thereon, the filing of such petition shall be an act of bank- rating of the vuptcy, and such petitioner shall be adjudged a bankrupt : Provided, That §°:‘g§",;:°kb° if ull citizens of the United States petitioning to be declared bankrupt shall c;_ n mp ¤¤ filing such petition, and before any proceedings thereon, take and sub- Oath vu filing Scribe an oath of allegiance and Bdeiity to the United States, which oath P°°‘“°"' shall be filed and recorded with the proceedings in bankruptcy. And the Judge of the district court, or, if there be no opposing party, any register of said court, to be designated by the judge, shall forthwith, if he be satisfied that the debts due from the petitioner exceed three hundred dollars, lY”"°“*·Wh°¤ 16Suc a warrant, to he signed by- such- judge orc register, directed to the t°yi$;;`:y},,lt,, ,,8, rnarshal of said district, authorizing lnm forthwith, as messenger, to pub- as rnessenger. Mil Iwlices in such newspapers as the warrant specifies; to SBN/8 Wl‘il-LGXI I\°“°°'