Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/69

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THIRTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 46, 47. 1866. 39 trict in which Missouri may at the time have been included, or by the express order, consent, or concurrenceof such commander, or which may have been employed in suppressing rebellion in said State, under the authority and command of federal officers. And no allowance shall be made JVh¤g¤<>* to l>• for any troops which did not perform actual military service in full cou- “ °w° ' cert and co-operation with the authorities of the United States and subject to their orders. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That in making up said account, for Certain b the convenience of the accounting officers of the government, the commis· :;`:,‘Q5";£m:e_ sioners shall state separately the amounts expended, respectively, for en- ly, rolling, equipping, arming, subsisting, and paying said troops, and from the aggregate amount they shall deduct the amount of direct tax due by Amount of dithe said State to the United States under the act entitled "An act to pro- §‘;‘:;j;§d*° b° vide increased revenue from imports, pay interest on the public debt, and 1861, ci,_ 45_ for other purposes," approved August fifth, eighteen hundred and sixty- 2g;!-xii-99-292. one. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That in the adjustment of accounts _Bate for sorunder this act the commissioners shall not allow for any expenditure or “°°¢ &°‘ compensation for service at a rate greater than was at the time authorized by the laws of the United States and the regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Wai· in similar cases. ‘ Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That so soon as said commissioners Commissioners shall have made up said account and ascertained the balance, as herein ge 5¤;§:s‘;l;€;gg_ directed, they shall make written report thereof; showing the different ,;:,,0,,,, to S(,,,,..,_ items of expenditure as hereinbefore stated, to the Secretary of the Treas- tary ofTreasnrv. ury, and shall transmit all the testimony taken by said commissioners to the Secretary of the Treasury; and if upon an examination by the proper accounting officers of the Treasury the account shall be found to be just Account to be and correct, the same shall be paid. Pwd- lf °°“`°°t‘ Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the commissioners to be ap- Commissioners pointed as aforesaid shall, before proceeding to the discharge of their te be sW°"“• duties, be severally sworn that they- will carefully examine the accounts existing between the United States and the State of Missouri, and that they will, to the best of their ability, make a just, true, and impartial statement thereof, as required by this act. They shall receive such compensation for their services as may be determined by the Secretary of the Th°i' PW- Treasury, not exceeding ten dollars per day for each day of actual service. Srcc. 7. And be it further enacted, That the sum of six million seven APPF°P¥i¤€i°¤· hundred and fifteen thousand and eighty-nine dollars and sixty-five cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be, and the same is hereby, appropriated to carry this act into effect. Ai-rnovnn, April 17, 1866. CHAP. XLVII. —~An Act to authorize the President of the United States to transfer a April 17, 1866. Gunboat to the Government of the Republic of Liberia. _*i"“ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Gunboat to be Sta/es of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the Unit- *’**“S“?"'°d *9 ed States he, and he is hereby, authorized to transfer to the government  ;%lQ°,?,§,i“Qlw` of the republic of Liberia any one of the gunboats now or hereafter in- tion, cluded in the navy of the United Srates, her armament, tackle, apparel and furniture, which may be acceptable to that government, and can, in the judgment of the Secretary of the Navy, be conveniently spared for that purpose, and upon a valuation to be fixed by him. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Navy is authorized and directed to enter into a contract with any person duly empowered by the government of that republic, by which that government shall engage to repay to the United States the value of the gunboat to be f i¤¤wt<> be paid or.