Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/706

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676 TREATY WITH THE PONCA INDIANS. MARCH 10, 1865. (8,) eight, (9,) nine, and (10) ten west; also fractional township (33) thirty- three north, ranges (7) seven and (8) eight west; and also all that portion of township (33) thirty-three north, ranges (9) nine and (10) ten west, lying south of Ponca. creek ; and also all the islands in the Niobrara or Running _ Water river, lying in front of lands or townships above ceded by the s°g}:;g‘;);"lm United States to the Ponca tribe of Indians. But it is expressly understood r.,,,.,,,,.,,,,,,:and agreed that the United States shall not be called upon to satisfy or how to be set- pay the claims of any settlers for improvements upon the lands above md' ceded by the United States to the Poncas, but that the Ponca tribe of Indians shall, out of their own funds, and at their own expense, satisfy said claimants, should any be found upon said lands above ceded by the United States to the Ponca tribe of Indians. I*{d°P¤¤i*Y for Anrrcrn III. The government of the United States, in compliance BP°hm°¤’ with the nrst paragraph of the second article of the treaty of March 12th, 1858, hereby stipulate and agree to pay to the Ponca tribe of Indians for indemnity for spoliation committed upon them, satisfactory evidence of which has been lodged in the office of the commissioner of Indian affairs, and payment recommended by that officer, and also by the Secretary of the Interior, the sum of fifteen thousand and eighty dollars. m£‘g_;;i;*£fbe ARTICLE IV. The expenses attending the negotiation of this treaty paid by Indians_ or agreement shall be paid by the United States. E¤¢<>¤*i<>¤· In testimony whereof, the said Wm. P. Dole, Commissioner as aforesaid, and the undersigned, chiefs of the Ponca tribe of Indians, have hereunto set their hands and seals at the place and on the day hereinbefore written. WM. P. DOLE. WAH-GAH-SAP-PI, or Iron Whip, his x mark. [san,.] GIST—TAH·WAH-GU, or Strong Walker, his x mark. [SEAL.] WASH-COM-MO-NI, or Mitchell P. Cerre, his x mark. [sun..] ASH-NAN-E-KAH-GAH-HE, or Lone Chief, his x mark. [snub] TAH-TON-GA-NUZ-ZHE, or Standing Bufalo, his x mark. [sean.] Executed in the presence of -— Cms. Sims. STEPHEN A. DOLE. Nnwron Enmnnns. J. S1-mw Gancomr. Gsonen N. Pnorrnn. Ratification And whereas the said Treaty having been submitted to the Senate of advised. the United States for its constitutional action thereon, the Senate did, on the second day of March, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, advise and consent to the ratification of the same, by a resolution, in the words and figures following, to wit: -—- In Exnonrrvm Session SENATE on run Unrrnn Sums, March 2, 1867. Resolved, That the Senate advise and consent to the ratification of the supplemental Treaty with the Ponca tribe of Indians, concluded at Washington, March 10, 1865. Attest: J. W. FORNEY, Secretary. P"°°1“lm°d· Now, therefore, be it known that I, Annnnw J onnson, President of the United States of America, do, in pursuance of the advice and consent of the Senate, as expressed in its resolution of the second of lifarch, one thoéispnd eight hundred and sixty-seven, accept, ratify, and confirm the sai reaty.