Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/722

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692 TREATY WITH THE OSAGE INDIANS. SEPTEMBER 29, 1865 I certify that the foregoing treaty was fully explained by me, and that the above signatures, the first as chiefs and headmen and the others as witness[es,] signed the same as their free act and deed. L. P. CHOUTEAU, Interpreter. Rstineation And whereas; the said Treaty having been submitted to the Senate of jggggjugxfsh the United States for its constitutional action thereon, the Senate did, on ` the twenty-sixth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six, advise and consent to the ratification of the same by a resolution with amendments in the words and figures following, to wit : — IN EXECUTIVE Snssrou, SENATE or THE Unrrnn Snrns, June 26, 1866. Resolved, (two thirds of the Senators present concurring,) That the Senate advise and consent to the ratification of the Articles of Treaty and Convention made and concluded at Canville Trading Post, Osage nation, within the boundary of the State of Kansas, on the twenty-ninth day of September, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, by and between the Commissioners on the part of the United States, and the Chief of the tribes of Great and Little Osage Indians, the said chief being duly authorized to negotiate and treat by- said tribes, with the following Amendments. AMENDMENTS : Ame, p. 687. lst. ARTICLE I. line 38, after the word " laws " insert the following: “ including any act granting lands to the State of Kansas in aid of the construction of a railroad through said lands." Ante, p- 688- 2d. Anrrcns II. strike out all after the word " benefit/’ in line 8, to and including the word "sold," in line 12, and insert in lieu thereof the following: " under the direction of the commissioner of the general land office, at a price not less than one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre as other lands are surveyed and sold, under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior shall from time to time prescribe." Am, P, ess. 3d. Aarrcts IV. line 8, after the word "as," where it occurs the second time, insert: "upon." Ante, p. ess. 4th. ARTICLE IX. line 9, after the word " cents " insert: “ per acre." Ame, p. 689. 5th. ARTICLE XI. line 3, after the words " through the " insert: " remaining." 6th. Same article, line 4, strike out " herein reserved," and insert in lieu thereof: " of said Indians." Attest: J. W. FORNEY, Secretary. Amendments And whereas the foregoing amendments having been fully interpreted ”“°“t°dt°‘ and explained to White Hair, Little Beaver, Clermont, Ta-wah-she-he, Met-so—shin·ca, (Little Bear,) No-paw-ahla, and Black Dog, chiefs of the said tribe of Great and Little Osage Indians, they did, on the twenty-first day of September, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six, give their free and voluntary assent to the same, in the words and figures following, to wit: - Whereas a certain Treaty was made by and between Commissioners on the part of the United States and the chiefs representing the Great and Little Osage Indians, on the 29th of September, 1865, to the ratification of which Treaty the Senate of the United States has advised and consented, with the following amendments, viz : -· AMENDMENTS. lst. ARTICLE I. line 38, after the word “laws " insert the following “ including any act granting lands to the State of Kansas, in aid of the construction of a railroad through said lands."