Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/81

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THIR'I`Y·—NlNTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 87, 88, 89. 1866. 51 CHAP. LXXXVII.—An Act to establish a Post Route rom West Alburgh, Wrmont, May 21, 1866. to Champlain, in the State of New York, and fdr other Purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United b lgailmaéi , States of America in Congress assembled, That the railroad bridge across P';h§:°§;c1;:f: Lake Champlain at Rouse’s Point, connecting the Ogdensburvh and Lake lawfulstructuro, Champlain railroad, in the State of New York, with the Wiermont and &°· Canada railroad, in the State of Vermont, be, and is hereby, declared a lawful structure, and is, and shall be, recognized and known as 2. post route. Sec. 2. And be it jlcrther enacted, That the Ogdensbnrgh and Lake Champlain Railroad Company, their successors or assigns, and the Vermont and Canada Railroad Company, their successors and assigns, are hereby authorized to keep up, maintain and use the said bridge, for the bywpomtobe transportation of the mails, and for the benefit of the general commerce m°*“*°*”°d· between said States and the transportation of persons and property. And in place of the float now in use forming part of said bridge, they or either of them may construct and maintain two suitable draws, one of which D"'"' shall be at least sixty feet wide, and the other at least ninety feet wide, and which shall always be opened by the railroad company which constructs the same, whenever required for the passage of vessels, except during and for fifteen minutes prior to the passage of mail trains. And which draws shall be so constructed and managed as at all times to aifbrd reasonable and proper facilities for the passage of vessels: Provided, That Act mi! N this act shall be subject to amendment or repeal at the pleasure of Con- gg2f;; °r t°` ress. g Approved, May 21, 1866. . LXXXVIII.—An Act amendato 0 "An Act to vile ortheRe o a 21 CHAP Decisions of the Supreme Cc;/ur; of the United g"tl)zte.s."f Pom f Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United D¢¤i¤i°¤¤ vf States of America in Uongress assembled, That the reporter of the deci- Egsgllijngggn sions of the Supreme Court of the United States shall hereafter be allowed States to be pubthe term of eight months for the publication of his reports instead of six, ;E::t‘;1l"£;%““ as provided by the act of August twenty-nine, eighteen hundred and forty- 1842’SLh_ Q6.; two, Vol. v. p. 545. Approved, May 21, 1866. CHAP. LXXXIX. —An Act to regulate the Time and fu: the Place {or holding the May 22. 1866, Circuit Court of the United States in the District of Virginia, and jbr at er Purposes. Fi Be it enacted by the Senate and Ifmse of Representatives of the Matted _ Circuit G<>¤r¤ States of America in Oorzgress assembled, That the circuit court of the ;l';g‘;`r§"'él;{f’ l’° United States in the district of Virginia shall be held at the city of Rich- mond, cn, &c. mend, commencing on the first Monday in May and on the fourth Monday of November, in each year ; and the said court may adjourn its ses- may ¤d.i<>¤¤¤ sion, now authorized, from Norfolk to Richmond, and there hold the same, §QQQuggg°lk t° and transfer to said last-named place all records, files, process, and property pertaining to said court. And all proceedings and process in or issu- prom;. ing out of said court, which are, or may be, made returnable to any other times or places appointed for holding said court than herein prescribed, shall be deemed legally returnable on the days specified and at Richmond, and not otherwise; and all suits and other proceedings in said court which stand continued to any other time or place shall be deemed continued to the place and time prescribed by this act. And special or adjourned Special. &c· terms of said court may be held at such time and on such notice as may *°”“s· be ordered and prescribed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, with the same power and jurisdiction as at regular terms. And said court, at any such regular, special, or adjourned terms,