Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/873

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INDEX. 843 Bureau of Rzgiggees, Freedman, and Abandoned Business, Lands, (continued.) penalty for carrying on any, on which porsted for loyal refugees and freed- tax is unpaid, without payment of spemeu ... , .l 486 cial tux. ... .. . . 473 no agent or clerk, not heretofore author- Business Cards, §··c., ized, to receive at monthly allowance of the printing of, on any United Stutes seever $200 . 486 curity, made unlawful ... . . .. 383 to prevent whipping or muiming as a. the making of, in the similitude of any punishment for crime, until, &e ... 487 United States obligation or security, Bureau of Statistics, declared unluwlul . . . 383 established in the treasury department. . 330, Butchers, 331 definition of, and special tax on .,... 120 director of, salary and duties ... 331 having paid the special tux, not to pay to have franking privilege .. 331 tux as retail denier . . 120 statistics of commerce and navigation 331 additional special mx on certain 471 report when to be submitted to Congress 331 Butler and Cuzpenler, monthly report of exports and imports., . 331 payment to in full for all claims for invalue of goods, wurehoused and with- demnity . .. 23 druwn from warehouse . . . 331 claim of for engraving special dies for annual statement of vessels, enrolled, reg- revenue stamps to be paid . . 470 istered and licensed . . ...,... 331 Butter, systems of numbering vessels enrolled, no special mx upon mnnufncturers of 474 registered, end licensed, muy be estab- Butterwortli, Joshua IL, lished . .- ... 331 application ot, for extension of patent for numbers l1ow to be marked 331 [ improvement in sale und bunk locks to vessel ceasing to be marked, ceases be considered ... . ., 636 to be a United States vessel .. 331 Buxton, Jmzrion M., annual statement of merchandise in tram- pension to ... 605 sit, warehoused und withdrawn from warehouse, &c. . 331 C Statistics of the manufactures of the Unit— ‘ ed States .. 331 C<¤<1'¢¢E¤rii¤eers (Navy), clerks to aid the director ... 331 ¤‘¤S¤‘i¤ri<>¤ as to nge, and certain qrwlifi expenses ofbureau 331 cmicns cf. when appointed, removed.- 516 letters and documents to and from direc- Cadds. tor, on official business, to be free . 331 provisions as to appointments of, to the appropriation for contingent expenses of. 373 military academy 359 appropriations for expenses of . . 446 age und quulilicutions for admis— for collecting statistics of mines and sion .. . 359, 360 minings ... . . . . 446 appointed ufter January 1, 1867, from any Bureaus in the Mzv_y Depurtinent, State declared to be in rebellion, no appropriations for the. . .33, 34, 200, 201, 450, port of appropriation to go to, until 451, 489, 491 the State is restored . . . .. 416 additional clerks in, authorized . 207 Cairo and Fallon Railroad, Burial of Soldiers, lands grunted to Missouri fer, to be petwho died in the military service of the cntcd, whenever, &e . 339 United States during the rebellion 353 Calais, Jllaina, gmves of] to he preserved from desecru.- deputy collector nt, may enter and clear tion .. . . .. 363 vessels .. . . 251 burinbpluees to be secured and enclosed. . 343 Culapeoias, Burlington and Missouri River Puilroud, nppropriutions for the . 264, 265, 493, 510 time for completion of extended 349 Oolyhrniu., Burning Fluid, mnrine mail transportation between New made from materials upon which taxes York und .. 49 have been pnid to be exempt from tax 565 post roads established in . . 5, 190, 286 distillers of and of camphene need not appropriations for Indiun service in. .278, 279 pay special tux of $ 50 .. 565 grunt of riglit of way lor, and of lends to Burmll, 1`homas D., nid in the construction of, the Plneerpntent of, for improvements in corn-shel- ville and Sacramento Vnlley Railroad lers, extended. ., . . . . 637 Company, &e .. 95, 96 to be open to legal inquiry and de- title of the United States to land in Becision . 637 nicia. and Sunw. Cruz given to those persons enjoying lnwful use of, and places in trust. . 209, 210 purohnsers of machines now in use, act to quiet lnnd titles in ... 218, 219 may continue to use .. . . 637 eertuin selections of public lends made by, Buryingsgrounds, confirmed . . 218 their old, to be returned to the Ponca In- other selections not confirmed .. 218 diuns . . ... . ... 675 not to receive more land lor school pur- Bushel, poses than she is entitled to .. 219 of grain, for purpose of duties, to be as- selections, when upon lands surveyed by certnined by weight . 187 authority of the United Stutcs .. . 219 number of pounds to n 187 when on lands surveyed only by Bush, George HC, State authority .,,.. 219 pension to ... 597 when township surveys have been inode,