Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/89

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THIRTY-NTNTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 110, 111, 114. 1866. 59 For commutation of subsistence, four thousand five hundred and sixty- one dollars. For pay in lieu of clothing to ot’:icers’ servants, one hundred and fifty- six dollars. For current and ordinary expenses, fifty-eight thousand dollars. Nmm “' For increase and expense of library, two thousand dollars. 1,;;,,,,-y, _ _ For expenses of board of visitors, three thousand dollars. Bw1d vf *151* For forage for artillery and cavalry horses, fifteen thousand dollars. mjmm fm. For horses for artillery and cavalry practice, one thousand dollars. horses. For repairs of otl‘icers’ quarters, Eve thousand dollars. m For targets and batteries for artillery practice, five hundred dollars. hp,;,,; gw_ For furniture for cadets’ hospital, one hundred dollars, For gas pipes, gasometers, and retorts, three hundred dollars. For reflooring academic buildings and barracks, six thousand dollars. For the purchase of fuel for warming mess hall, shoemakers’ and tail0rs’ shops, two thousand dollars. For materials for quarters for subaltern officers, three thousand dollars. For continuing the erection of memorial tablets and mural monuments I gg10ml *¤b· to deceased officers of the regular army, and of volunteers; arranging and ° ’ °° preserving trophies of war; and marking with proper inscriptions the guns captured during the rebellion, five thousand dollars. For enlarging and improving the cemetery, and for repairing the en- Cemetery. closure thereof, five thousand dollars. For the removal to a safe place, and reconstruction of the magazine, Magazine. ten thousand dollars. For ventilating and heating the barracks and other academic buildings; Ventilation, improving the apparatus for cooking for the cadets; repairing the hospi- h°“°i”¥· &°‘ tal buildings, including the introduction of baths for the sick; the construction of water closets in the library building; and new furniture for the recitation rooms,. twenty thousand dollars. For the removal and enlargement of the gas works, six thousand dol- Gv Workllars. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That no person who has served in Wl1¤11¤W¤b• any capacity in the military or naval service of the so—ca.lled Confederate 3,i°f;,;";:°N·_ States during the late rebellion shall hereafter receive an appointment as val Academy. a cadet at the Military or Naval Academy. Approved, June 8, 1866. HAP. CXI.——An Act makin A o 'ations to su l Decies in the Appmpna,-' -711116 8. 1866- C tionifor Contingent Expensesé`? tdbpgidilse rf]t:pre.<ilai,sf1d1iv£»_lr€”Hw United tales, for _?_—_- the zscal Year ending June zrty, eighteen un red and sh:ty-sb:. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, D°l?°;?“°?,I“P‘ and the same are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the treasury gorgiiiggégilegi not otherwise appropriated: plenses of the For miscellaneous items, ten thousand dollars. Sc‘;‘:;:iQ;SB°P'°' For folding documents, seventeen thousand five hundred dollars. i d por furniture and repairs, and packing boxes for members, ten thousand ol ars. For stationery, nlteen thousand dollars, for the fiscal year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and sixty-six. Approved, June 8, 1866. CHAP. CXIV. -A» An w amend me Paw Laws. June 12. 1886- Be it enacted by the Senate and Muse of Representatives of the Milled P .d d States of America in Congress assembled, That, from and after the first @2%: bg day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, prepaid and free letters shall f°’W¤'g°g:P°¤ IMDB! ·