Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/948

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918 INDEX. Navy, (continued.) Naqy, (continued.)- no vacancy in grade of professor of math- pepalty nipon plmcerfs and employees 49 cmatics to be filled .. r38 or vio ation ereo .. 2 surzey of gethlriugls Straits, the North Pa- eoilpetgon of facts to illustrate the history 490 ci e, an e iuaseas . 38 0 thenavy . ... transfer of appropriations to settle ac- Secretary of Navy to effecta further excounts of disbursing officers. .- 38 change of lands in Wallabout Bay vmh act for better organization of pay depart- the cfty of bBrooklyn, Ya . 492 ment 0 .. . 43 tit e to e approve an exc ange appointment of an additional assistant gfecteél gvitlxout expenditure by the 492 secrete of authorized .. 54 nite taxes to lag for six months. ..,. 54 laws relating to, to be published oilieially act to define the number and regulate tho' in the Army and _Nuvy .iournal.I . 468 appointment of officers in .,. , . . 222 act hw amend certain acts in relation no 515 number allowed in each grade of line o - the . ... iicers on the active list .. _ 222 admiral to be the ranking other of the. . 515, increase in grades, how made .. 222 516 wh; may be promoted to grade of rear- secretary ton rank, pay, and allow- 516 miral on retired list .. 222 ances 0 certain line odieers on active list may be cadet engineers, restrictions as to age and appointed from the volunteer naval ser- certairgd quaiitieatnons when appointed 6 vlce . .. . . . 222 remov ... 51 ii, thereby, the number in any grade oincers of volunteer naval service, transexceeds that allowed by law, no ap- ferred to regular navy or marine corps, pointments to be made, until, &c.. 222 to be credited with their sea service. . . 516 authority exhausted when appoint- marine omeers to be credited with the ments are once made 222 time of their service in the volunteer board for examination of candidates service 516 from naval volunteer `service . 222 storekeip; at naval academy, how to be re rt an selections .. 222 detac . . . 516 whigtvolunteer naval officers may ap- may procure clothing, &c. for midpear before. 222, 223 shi men ... 516 provision if they are at sca or in gecretgery of lthe Navy to preforeign stations ... . . 223 scii regu ations ... 516 Secretary of Navy may retain or appoint summary c0urts—martia1 on petty officers volunteer officers in the navy; ... 223 and officers of inferior ratings, authority lieuteiiant-soininanders may be assigned to spntence, Rue. . . 516 to what uty ... 1 ... 223 wien sentence 0 , involves loss of pay of admiral of the navy 223 pay, not to be executed without his secretary und his pay .. 223 approval of Secretary of the Navy 516 naval constructors and first and second disabled persons who have served as enassistant engineers in the navy, appoint- listed persons in the navy or marine ment rank, and n of .. 223 corps for twenty years, to receive from nothing ln, to preeiixcie the acévaneemeplt naval pension fund half of their rating in ran now authorized for istin uis — wieu discharged, in lieu of bclnv rocild conduct in battle or extraorchnary vidlcd with a home in the naval asyiuni 516 eroism . . . 222 ow and b whom to be aid ... 516 midshipmen and acting midshipmen en- such persohs so serving nh: less than titled to one ration or commutation 322 ten years, &c. may apply for nid promotions on the active list in, provi- from surplus income of naval pen. sions concerning. . , . 844 sion fund ., 516 pay og navy officcrs on- retired list and not Secretary of Navy to convene a board on uty. .. . 345 to examine applicants 516, 517 pay of certain clerks in, increased twenty- poard, how constituted, and duties of 517 've per cent 345 imit of allowance 517 disbursing officers of the, to be allowed rank and pay of commaudant of marine credits for such losses of property as corps .. 517 shall, &c . .. 345 number of midshipmen allowed at the gift of land, offered by the State of Con- naval academy . 517 ppcticrug, gn the bighames Eiveia pear reduction not to affect present upew n on, to aecepte an ield pointments or vacancies . 517 for naval purposes .. 489 promotion of oincers on the retired and civil engineers and naval storekeepers at reserved lists .. . 517 navy-yards to be appointed by Presi- then to receive full pay 517 dent with advice, &c. of senate 490 none to grade of rear-admiral, while, master mechanics at yards to be skilled &c. . . . 517 in their business and appointed from Navy Agents, civil hle .., 490 acts authorizing the appointment oi] reworkingilmen at navyliyards not, to be re- [peeled. . . .. 38 quire or requeste to pay money for Navy epartment. Seo llfqdrogra hic Office. political purposes by any officer or em· act establishing a hydrogmpiiic offico in. 69 ployee of the government . _ . _._. 492 appropriations for the ., 200, 450, 451 not to be discharged for their polite may use plates of United States explorcul opinions .. . . 492 ing expedition for printing charts . 356