Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/234

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202 FORTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 248. 1868. ChlP£?‘T“ 9f <l1‘€d and fifty-four, and third article treaty seventh May, eighteen hunumm] ISSIPPL dred and sixty-four, four hundred dollars. For second of ten instalments of the second series, in goods, per fourth article treaty fourth October, eighteen hundred and forty-two, and eighth article treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, and third article treaty seventh May, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, three thousand five hundred dollars. For second of ten instalments of the second series for the support of schools, per fourth article treaty fourth October, eighteen hundred and forty-two, and eighth article treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, and third article of treaty seventh May, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, six hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-seven cents. For second of ten instalments of second series, for the purchase of provisions and tobacco, per fourth article treaty of fourth October, eighteen hundred and forty-two, and eighth article treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, and third article of treaty "seventh May, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, six hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-seven cents. For second of ten instalments of the second series for the support of two smiths’ shops, including the pay of two smiths and assistants, and furnishing iron and steel, per fourth article treaty fourth October, eighteen hundred and forty-two, and eighth article treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, and third article treaty of seventh May, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, six hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-seven cents. For second of ten instalments of the second series, for pay of two farmers, per fourth article treaty fourth October, eighteen hundred and forty-two, and eighth article treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, and third article treaty May seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, three hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents. vO,_x_P_1m7_ For fourteenth of twenty instalments of annuity in money, per third article treaty twenty-second February, eighteen hundred and fifty-tive, twenty thousand dollars. v01_ gx_ p_ 9% For twenty-second of twenty-six instalments, to be paid the Chippewas of Mississippi, per third article treaty of August second, eighteen hundred and forty-seven, one thousand dollars. For this amount to be expended in the erection of school-buildings upon the reservation, in accordance with third article of treaty of March nineteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, five thousand dollars. For first of ten instalments for the support of a school or schools upon said reservation, in accordance with third article of treaty of March nineteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, tour thousand dollars. For this amount for the erection of a saw and grist mill, in accordance with provisions of third article treaty of March nineteenth, eighteen hun— dred and sixty-seven, ten thousand dollars. For this amount to be expended in assisting in the erection of houses for such of the Indians as shall remove to said reservations, in accordance with third article treaty of March nineteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty- seven, five thousand dollars. For this amount to be expended with the advice of the chiefs in the purchase of cattle, horses, and farming utensils, and in making such im— provements as are necessary for opening farms upon said reservation, in accordance with third article treaty of March nineteenth, eighteen_hundred and sixty-seven, five thousand dollars. For iirst of ten instalments to be expended in promoting the progress of the people in agriculture and assisting them to become self-sustaining, in accordanrxr with third article of treaty of March nineteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, six thousand dollars.