Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/348

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316 FORTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 124. 1869. A¤‘mJ'· the same are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the army for the year ending the thirtieth of J unc, eighteen hundred and seventy: Reeruiting. For expenses of recruiting and transportation of recruits, fifty thousand Pay. For pay of the army, eleven million dollars. Comxnumion For commutation of officers’ subsistence, one million five hundred

Q;;°“°° thousand dollars.

For commutation offorage For officers' horses, twenty thousand dollars. l_ P&y}m?¤£_in For payment in lieu of clothing for officers’ servants, two hundred l°“° °° mg' thousand dollars. For payments to discharged soldiers for clothing not drawn, two hundred thousand dollars. Subsistence. For subsistence in kind for regular troops and employees, four million five hundred thousand dollars. Continqencies. For contingencies of the army, one hundred thousand dollnrs. de§l1';_‘;:;“;!;t&°‘ For medical and hospital department, two hundred thomund dollars. iu50am_` For army medical museum, five thousand dollars. _A¤‘*m¤l¤l For the purcha<e of artificial limbs for officers, soldiers, and sailors, limbs' forty thousand dollars. M¤<li¤¤l For medical und other necessary works for the library of surguon-~enw°rkS' er:1l’s office-, two thousand dollars. O

 For expenses of commandirig-general’s office, five thousand dollars.

g ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ l·‘or expenses 0i' the signal service of the army, five thon»nnd dollars. Q¤=¤¤‘¤¤¤‘¤·=¤>>- For regular supplies to the qum·tcrmusters’ de mrtment to wit : ms' department. *’ . . l ’ For the regular supplies of the quurtermusters’ depni·tn1a·nt,consisting of fuel For officcrs, enlisted men, guards, hospitals, Sl()l'0l)OU‘·(}S, and 0fhces;,of forage in kind for the horses, mules, end oxen ol the quauterinusters Llf*[`»il\`llllG|llZ ut the several posts and stations, and with the armies 1n thelield, for the horses of the sereral reg1ments of cavalry, the l)5\lt(*I'l1“S of 1ll'UllCl‘y, and such csmnpzmnies of infantry as may be inountcel, and for the aublnortzed number of ()fll(!Cl'S, horses when serving in the field mid ut the outposte, including bedding for the animals; of straw for >ol<licrs’ bedding ; and ol' stationery, including blunkdmooks for the qn:n·termnsters’ de-pnrtment, certificates for disclizn·;;¢·d soldiers, blank forms {or the pay nnd qu:u·Lermn<ters' departments, and for printing of division and dopantment orders and reports, five million dollars. péllrggldegistldtgii- For the lgcneml and incizlentnl expenses of the qu;u·termz1sters’ clvpnrtmmalys, (18pm_ ment, consisting of postage on letters and packets received and sent by mgm, ofliuurs of the army on public service ; expenses of COUl'lS-lll2\l'll8l, militnry commi<sions, and courts of inquiry, including the additional compensation of Jjudge advocates, recorders, members, and witnesses while on 1802, eh. 9, that scrviee, under the act. of Mttrrh sixteen, eirrhtevn hundred and two; ll/il: 186, Gxtm. puy to soldiers employed under the directien of the (1lHll'[('l`lll11%l0l`S, depsu·tm<-nt m the erection of b:u·rucks, quarters, storchouses and hospitals, m the construction of roads, and other constant labor, for periods of not vl)’:1?fi°:· ig;} less than ten days, under the nets oi' March two, ciglntren hundred und m,4_c;,_24·,'§0_ mnetecu, and August fourth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, including Vot. x. p. M0. those employed as clerks at division and department headquartcrs; expenses ol expresses to and from the frontier pods and arrnies in the field; oft escorts to paytnusters and other dtsbursing officers, and to tram: where military escorts cannot he furnished; expenses of the interment of officers killed in action, or who die when on duty in the field, or at posts on the Qionticrs, or at posts and other places, when orrlered by the Secretary of' ar, and of non-commissioned officers and soldiers; authorized office f;1rniture; hire of laborers in the qn:trtermasters’ d<·pm·tment, including he hire of interpreters, spies, and guides for the arm · · f l' » ~ . . y , eompcnezt ion e 1838_ch_m2,§m_ clerks to officvrs of the quartermastens department; compensation of V0l.v. p. za?. forage and wagon-musters, authorized by the act of July fifth, eiglttrun