Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/518

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486 CONVENTION WITH THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. FEB. 8, 1867. sentence or decree, and of all the demora alguna al comandante 6 proceedings in the case, shall, if de- agente de dicho buque, si lo reclamanded, be delivered to the com- mare, un testimouio auténtico de la mander or agent of the said vessel sentencia 6 decreto, y de todo el without any delay, he paying the proceso, pagando por él los derelegal fees for the same; chos legales. Aarremc XXHL Anrreuro 23. N0_d¤l·y._&<=· When the ships—of-war of the two Cuendo se admitan con sus presas on prize ships, . . _ . M_ contracting parties, or those belong en los puertos de cualquiera de las ing to their citizens, which are dos partes los buques de guerra. de armed in war, shall be admitted to ellas 6 los pertenecientes a sus ciuenter with their prizes the ports of dadanos que estén armados en guereither of the two parties, the said ra, dichos buques publicos 6 privapublic or private ships, as well as dos, como tampoeo sus presas no their prizes, shall not be obliged to seran obligados a pagar ningun derpay any duty either to the officers cho a los empleados del lugar, of the place, the judges, or any jueees ni ningunos otros; ni seran others; nor shall such prizes, when detenidas ni embargadas tales presas they come to and enter the ports of cuando lleguen a los puertos de either party, be arrested, or seized, cualquiera de las partes y entren en nor shall the officers of the place ellos, ni sobre eu legalidad haran make examination concerning the ningun examen los empleados del lawfulness of such prizes, but they lugar; sino que tales buques de may hoist sail at any time and de- guerra podran en cualquier tiempo part and carry their prizes to the izar las velas y partir, y llevarse sus places expressed in their commis- presas aloslugaresindicados en sus sions, which the commanders of patentes que sus comnndantcs dcsuch ships-of-war shall he obliged to beran moetrar. Entiéndese sin emshow. It is understood, however, bargo, que, los privilegios conferidos that the privileges conferred by this en este artfculo no se estenderan article shall not extend beyond mas alla de los que se concedan por those allowed by law or by treaty ley, 6 por tratado con las naciones with the most favored nations. mas favoreeidas. Anrretm XXIV. Anrienno 24. Privateors of It shall not be lawful for any for- No sera licito a ningunos armal‘°“‘l" l‘°`”°"’* eign privateers who have commis- dores estrangeros que hayan recisions from any prince or State in bido patente de cualquier prfncipe enmity with either nation, to fit 6 estado que sea enemigo de cueitheir ships in the ports of either, quiera de las dos naciones, equipar to sell their prizes, or in any man- sus buques en los puertos de la otra, ner to exchange them; neither shall ni vendor, ni de ninguna manera they be allowed to purchase pro- permutar sus presas, ni se les pervisions, except sueh as shall be mitira. comprar provisiones, sine las necessary to their going to the next que sean necesarias para ir al pr6x- port of that prince or State from imo puerto del principe 6 estado de which. they have received their que hayan recibido sus patentes. commissions. Anrxenrz XXV. Aarreuno 25. _1fui·tnsr pro- No citizen of the Dominican Re- De ningun principe 6 estado con

g,“,;;_°° public shall apply for or take anytquien los Estados Unidos estén cn

commission or letters of marque for: guerra, solicitarzin ni tomaran los arming any ship or ships to act asxciudadanos de la Republica Domiprivateers against the said United! nicana patentes ni letras de marco.