Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/679

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TREATY WITH THE SIOUX INDIANS. APRIL 29, 1868. 647 Executed on the part of the Santee band of Sioux by the chiefs and E>$°°¤*i°¤ bf hoadmen whose names are hereto subscribed, they being thereunto duly °h° hmm ba"' authorized. WA-PAH-SHAW, his x mark, Red Ensign. sean. WAH-KOO-TAY, his x mark, Shooter. lsnan. HOO·S HA-SHA, his x mark, Red Legs. [sun,. OJVAN-CHA-DU-TA, his x mark, Scarlet all over. [SEAL. WAU-MACE—TAN-KA, his mark x, Big Eagle. [SEAL. CHO-TAN-KA-E—NA·PE, his x mark, Flute-player. [sur,. TA-SHUN-KE—MO-ZA, his x mark, His Iron Dog. LSEAL. Attest: SAML. D. Hrmrsn, B. D., Jmssionawy. J. N. Cmoxnmno, 2d Lt. 22d Ljy., But. Uapt. U S A. P. J. Di-: Sum-, S. J. N ICHOLAS JANIS, Interpreter. Fnsnc. LA Fnamsoxsn, Interpreter. And whereas, the said treaty having been submitted to the Senate of Ratidcation. the United States for its constitutional action thereon, the Senate did, on the sixteenth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and sixty- nine, advise and consent to the ratification of the same, by a resolution in the words and figures following, to wit: In Exnonrrvn SESSION, SENATE or THE UNITED STATES, February 16, 1869. Resolved (two thirds of the senators present concurring), That the Senate advise and consent to the ratification of the treaty between the United States and the different bands of the Sioux nation of Indians, made and concluded the 29th April, 1868. Attest: GEO. C. GORHAM, Secretary. Now, therefore, be it known that I, Ammnw Jonsson, President of 1‘r¤¤1¤¤¤=¤¤¤¤· the United States of America, do, in pursuance of the advice and consent ot' the Senate, as expressed in its resolution of the sixteenth of February, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, accept, ratify, and confirm the said treaty. In testimony whereof I have hereto signed my name, and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of W'ashington, this twenty-fourth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty- [sEAL.] nine, and of the Independence of the United States of America, the ninety-third. ANDREW JOHNSON. By the President: Wrnnrsm H. Snwsun, Secretary of State.