Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/749

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INDEX. - 717 Archimt of Oapild Exlension, Army, (continued.) w havq supervision, &c. of gcpairs and al- appropriations for, for years ending June tcramcns cl: Cqpitol biuldmg. ..13, 1115, 284 30, 1869, and J unc 30, 1870.. .64- 66, 315 - and of gaadmg, filling qp, &c. public 318 groun s . .. 13 recruitin a d tra mti 16C11f 6 appropriation for public works under his g u nspor on of its 3:6 supervision: ... . ... 115; 306, 307 pay of the army 64 816 Architect, Supervnszng, commutation of subsistence and forage. 6;, 316 of zhe cqnstrucuou branch of treasury, up- payments in licu of clothing . 64, 316

 proprmticn for, . 97 subsistence in kind .. . . 816

Architeclznul Iran Works Company, contingencies .. 64, 316 pay to, for enlarging congressional 1i· mcdicalund hospiml depnrrmcm . 64, 816

  1>ra}év; .5 :  . 172 ccrénin sums sccruing to credit oh

eqqen me ey u 1 rom sales 0 stores t b ·d udclitionul salary of minister of United in to the treasury..f.? . 64

   bmtcs tc. . 319 medical Gnuscum smd  mcgicul works. .64, 316

me arees commnn in - eneuls o— . 6-1 316

 apprsprijxtions for the . 199 signal scrvigcf. . .1 .. -.   ... ’ 816

Arizona Terqtwy, qunrucrmnstcfs departmcnn. .64, 65, 316, 317 appropriation for government of .109, 800 mileage of officcrs .. 65, 317 for surveyor-gcncrul of . horses for qavalry Sid artillery . .317, 818 , trans ortution, u ic trans ·t t for surveys of public lands in. ..116, 308 Soc? . F15,. 317 for Indian service in . . . 219, 222 clearing obstructions in roads, harbors, sessions of legislative assembly of] to be and rivers ... 65, 317

   biennial ...   .. . 300 hire or sommugnion of quarters, tcmgocr ansas mry uts an rc 'rs at cstablis ed

the government existing in, March 23, posts .. .. 65, 66, S17 18§7, dcclarcd to be not. legal . 14 beating und cooking stovcs .. 66, 317 1f continued, howto be continued., 14 ordnance service . ... 66, 317 convention in, for fiamiing constitution, no par: to pay tbr new cannon or og whom w consist, and how appoint- small arms .. 66, 317 c 8 purc asc of land adjoining Sprinviicld admitted to representation in Congress. . 72 armory . . . ta. . . . 66 fundamental condition . 72 armories and arsenals, repairs and imwhat alterations of cousaicution may provcmcms of ... 66, 317, 318 bc made . .. 72 preservation and repair of fortifications post-roads established in 188, 327 and works of dcfcncc . 66, 318 certain yérocecdings of tax commissioners formexiuppropriation fggirncdicgl and surmtiiic 123 gica history 0 rc ion, cw to be terms of circuit-court in .. . 271 applied . . . . 66 repeal of acc prohibiting the organization medical statistics of pmvosbmarshul- · of the militia forces in . .. 337 gcncrzfs bureau, no be compiled, &c. Armories, y J. I. Baxter &c. 66 appropriations for repairs and improve- one half of nppropliation for Rock Island xgcnts at ... 66 grsgnul 12 be applied to construction of at ock Island ... G6 ri ge, ·c . , ... 318 portion of appropriation to be ex- surveys for military defences ... 318 Psnded how 66 exploring expedition and survey of line Armory at bpn`ny‘ie1d, of forticth parallel, report of results of} appropriation for purchase of land sdjoin- to be published . 318 ing . . .. 66 cost to be defrayed Wm existing Arms appropriations in ar Departdamaged, &c. to be sold ... 259 ment; .. . ... 816 proceeds of snlcs . 259 lcttenpress wprk to be duns at gov- Armstrong, Capmin James E, ment printing offico. . . . . 318

 to be restorccl to active list of the navy. . 430 toad from Du Luth to the Bois-fort In-  

muy, ian reservation .. Z . deficiency appropriation for, for the year to gw cxpendF<T indci· direction of ending Juno 30, 1868 . .. 35 ccrcmry 0 ar ... officers of] holding any diplomatic or can- no new commissions, promotions, nor cn~ sular officc, to be dccmcd no lnwe re- liitmxints m m£ungry Jcg1?c nt:, until signed . 58 t cw oonum or IS ucc 0 wcuty- ofliccrs of, dismissed by gcncral court- five . 3 . r ... 318 martial, &c. not to be resmrcd except mfuntyy regiments to be consolidated as by nmppointment, &c. ... 125 rapidly, &c. I . ..; ... . . Z , 318 Secretary of War authorized and dirccncd number of brrgadicr-gcnciinls limited to to takcimmediaw measures to rcducc eight ... . . . 318 cxpcnscs of] nt and near New York no éézw grcmntizns until numbcr xs city ... . ... 24 ucc toeig t. ... suitable building to be hircd for, &c. 247 culistments hcresfmr to be for five yenrs 318 officers of) to assist civil authorities and all bands now m the service to discourts in sustaining thelaws,&c. 698 charged, cxccpt that at the mdxmry provisions as to rank by brcvct in .. 281 academy ... 818