Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1150

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9 & JULY 25 1870. 1116 CONVENTION WITH BRITISH COLUMBIA. JUNE : in addition to the date stamp of the office of origin ; and ttllgefgnctgmgfrtgg rates unpaid shall also be expressed m black figures on same. _ . _ Doadlstters Amicus VIII. Dead letters, which cannot be delivered frzm vghtgs ‘°l’°"°““`“°°‘ ever cause, shall be mutually returned, without charge,smox;tl y,€r;it ’ [ lll'! NB W • frequently as the regulations of Itlne rgaspecbgséenfgter which fro}; any Printed_mntter But newspapers and all other srt1c es 0 _ prm _ , _ _ f th

  • °l’°"°°'““°d‘ cause cannot be delivered, shall be retained at the disposition 0 e receiving country. ,

Registered let- Anrrcnn IX. Letters alleged to be valuable, posted at any officeinl ills

        • 3 United States or their Tet-;-ito1rtes,Vand addressed] todiangsltiyiggscglgg

or British Columbia, or poste in ancouver sl san · _ · _ · bin, and addressed to the United States or their Territories, and deliver; able at any of the respective offices of exelhang, tpfbe thence cogxveye to their destination, shall be registered at the office o mai mg on e ap· · - · . · - ‘ I t jobs prepaid pltcatton of the person posting the same , proytded thatt'tltenfuf;€p§t2§; ‘Y‘°l‘f"°F"“’“‘ chargeable thereon to destination, together not a iegis ia to _ tm °?` · cents on each letter be prepaid at such mailing office ; and provided also B°g`m°h°° · ·’ · d h ll t render the notcvmpulsqry. that such registration shall not be compulsory, an s a no'

3_d1;';l‘°°‘h°y respective Post-Oiiice Departments, or their revenues, either jointly or

` separately, liable for the loss of such letters or packets, or the contents thereoh _ Rogisuoredlot- Anrxcnn X. All such letters mailed in the interior of the United

  • T"i’°°*;“$’dl'¥ States or Vancouver’s Island or British Columbiatrespecttvely, shall be
,3162 °;
;;y_ received, registered, and receipted for as directed in the general regulations issued in ench country in regard to the registiatnon of valuable letters, and shall be sent to the respective exchange offices for the purpose

of being forwarded thence by the first mail. Sepsmtoiottor- Anrrou: XI. The respective cxchanve offices shall make a. separate bills *`°*‘ *'°Kl¤· letter-bill for each registered letter or pzircel of rt=gistert—cl letters 0F1g1- l°'°`“°°’°"' nnlly mailed at said exchange offices, or sent to them, to be forwarded, as prescribed by the regulations referred to in the preceding article, and shall enter therein the name of the person addressed, and the post-olilce to which it is to be mailed for delivery. The postmaster of said exchange oflice will then inclose each such letter or parcel of letters, in a separate package, which shall be conspicuously marked and plainly inscribed with the word "Re·ristered." The letter-bills of such registered letters shall not be inclosetl) in the packages containing them, but shall be forwarded in a separate wrapper or envelope, sealed, and addressed to the postmaster of the office to which such registered letters were sent. Duty of post- Artrrcmn Xll. On receipt of registered letters for delivery or distribu- ¤¤M*>¤¤'°*` '°°°l'· tion at either of the respective exchange offices, the postmaster of such reigggmzizg eeiving office will compare the letters with the bill, and indorse it “Corurs. rect," if found so; or will note the error, if there be one, in the manner prescribed with regard to revistered letters Ireceived from an inland postoffice. He will then fill up ihe corresponding return bill, noting upon it whether correct or otherwise, and will see that it is returned by the first mail thereafter to the exchange office of mailinv. Registorediot- Anrxcm-1 Xl1I. Registered letters received cat either of the exchange

  • 6**; 1g5D6g5g?' offices and destined for an inland post-office shall be forwarded in the

2H5oz_ P same manner as other registered letters originally mailed at such office. Registration Attrtenn XIV. The registration fee of five cents shall accrue to the MM °W ¤°· United States Post·Ofiice Department upon all registered letters sent °°“"°°d f"' from the United States to Vancouver's Island or British Columbia, and in like manner the registration fee of five cents shall accrue to the Post-Oflice Department of Vancouver’s Island and British Columbia upon all registered letters sent from Vanoouvefs Island or British Columbia to the United States. Deemed regu- Amxcnn XV. The two departments may, by mutual consent, make lation.