Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1262

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1228 INDEX. i Hove:/, Alvin P., Idaho Territmy, (continued. _ _ full salary to be paid, as minister to Peru 666 pending suits in district courts not Hoyt, blemy H., afltxtted . . . 395 pa ment to, for services . . . . . . . 680 posbroads established iu, .. _ . 281, 469 Hubavv}: W. J., Illinois, _ approwiation to pay widow of, for statue post-roads established in .. 48, 70, 282, 462 of ashiugton, executed by 315 “Illinois," ZIV1e Steamer, _ _ Hubbell, James B., placed at the disposal of the commissionpayment to, fin- construction of Fort W. ers of quarantine, New York . 378 l`. Sherman, and other buildings for Incidental Expenses, certain Blackfoot Indians 88 no part of any appropriation for, to be .Huds0n’s Buy and Puget Sound Agricultural paid for clerical services . 250 Companies, all such payments to be rejected as appropriation for pay and expenses of illegal . 250 eom·ni<sion under the treaty with Great. Income Relurns, Britain for the settlement of the claims not to be published . . . 259 of, repealed .. , . 250 Income Tax. See Internal Revenue. Huds0n's Bug Company, of tivo and one half per cent to be levied appropriation for payment of award in for the years l870 and 1871, and no favor of ... . . . _ 419 longer . 257 Hull and Cozzens, in estimating. what to be included . . . 257, 258 accounts of, to be settled ... 690 what to be dcducteri and exempted. . 258 Halls. Seo Inspectors, Steam Vessels. deductions from income of members of a. inspectors of', provisions concerning. .443, 444 family . L ... 258 Hunmne Society of .lIussaehusetts, wards mid beneficiaries 258 appropriation for .. . .. . ... 292 religious or sncial communities . 258 Hunt, Gewgqe IV. and Po!/y, unpaid income tax of, bow to be commissioner of patents may reliear, Ste. assessed, &c ... . 258 the application of, for extension of cer-- certain, not to be made 258 tain reissucs of a patent for the manu- to he assessed for what time, and when to facture of nper collars . . 630, 631 be collected 258 Huston, Rachel H2, penalty for default in pavment. .258,_ 259 pension to ... 692 persons liable to pay, to make returns to Hydraulic Weirylats, assistunt assessor ... 259 appropriation for removal of] from trees- returns to include what 259 ury building. . .. .. . . ... ll to be verided by oath .. 259 assistant assessor may increase the amount 259 when inrrcnsecl, amount liable to tax I- may be shown .. 259 Idaho 'I'erri'tmgi;, appeals from assistant assessor- and appropriation for increased salaries of assessors .. 259 judges in .. 12 proceedings in cases of 259 fur Indian servieo in 36, 357, 567 penalty for not making return, or makto pay members, of’fit·cr<, &e. of legis- ing false return . . ... 259 lative as=embly of.88, 89, 242, 3l3, 486 tax and addition, how assessed and col- 110 part to be paid, except upon leeted . 259 satisfactory vouchers .. . . 89 addition not to be assessed until after reafor office of surveyor-general in. . 245, 293, sonnblc notice .. 259 489 income returns not to he published, . 259 for surveys ofpubliclands in.304,499, 502 how persons may become exempt from, for luw l.brary for . 306, 518 in any district . . 260 for incidental expenses in secrctary's consuls of foreign governments exempt office . · 498 from, if] &e 260 for printing, amount due to Frank Ltcompelent or Or;»}zan Indians, Kenyon ... 498 appropriations in respect to 569 to mark and define the boundary Independence, I lines between Utah and .. 502 the one hundredth anniversary of Amerisadaries of chief justice and associate jus- can, to be celebrated by ho ding an inticcs in, established . . .,. i52 ternational exhibition of arts, &c. in appropriation therefor . . ... S13 Philadelphia, Pa ... 470 certain acts of legislative assembly of} dis- Independent Treaswgy, approved .. 366 appropriations for the offices of assistimposing tax upon Chinamen .. 366 ant trensurers- . 230, 240, 483, 484 creating the office of district attor- fbi- the depositaries . . . . 240, 484 ney, &c ... 366 special agents .. . . .240, 484 giving extra pay to officers holding contingent expenses ... 240, 484 commissions by federal appoint- no p.rt for clerical services 240, 484, ment - . 366 485 probate courts in. to have jurisdiction in cheeks and certificates of deposit 240 certain civil and criminal cases ... 395 Indiana, but not in land, chancery, or divorce post-roads established in.48, 70, 281, 282, 462 cases . . 395 act requiring the holning of additional appeals may be taken from decrees district and circuit courts of the United of . ... 395 States in ·... . . .. ..,. . , 175, 176