Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1321

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INDEX. 1 ~ 287 Secfelar 0 Ute Iin _ w gwé. mSt£;;g'gSl;*;n:O gesldlm _ Secrdmy of the Interior, (continued.) . rms m to have buildin or b iid` Arizona, under the laws d » - · gs u mg m“°' _ _ 39 ¤$¤g6S of rials ai rat d mg;;··;Og·; e»;;m_.. .1] ..& i  ::04 t, its mi., $3 i;.;e,;,;t.;.;tai;,;‘.t1 “" of simon. .. . ?..Tf’“"'"°"" au "“‘3“‘ V °‘ "*°“" ‘“ ‘*‘°-S‘°" "°“°° to direct espenditure of appropriation for Zifiveiifogonnbilicislanfcldl register and roiiexigiggry b¤¤<li¤t¤ in Wyoming m my invert}; nie sompehéiéibn 2>i'.§;Si.Q£. Sm 4 . ... _ ... _., ._ n ‘ . 5 foreprimnry schools in the District of to apiiemiliitilhtilttgll i;lg$§tig::l;d‘dc;§tif: 4x mpéuénclgpreopfppde of Washington 314 gorépitgin had-bpeeds or rriixed liloods m pay superintendent of builtling oecu- spectiio giiuiiesudgdhzdg y;:: pier by the Department of the Interior 314 ervation .. , ... 557 to ldetcrmme whether certain Indian fpggl] qcrtain bonds held by mm in mm chiefs to lwhom annuities are payable are for the Pottnwatomie Indians. . 559 still ulive _ .. t .‘t: . 342, 349 power oi} in respect to awards mude by to m ske an equitable division of all stocks the board of commissioners for Indians held by the United States in trust lor in respect to amounts due under con; the confederate bands of Peorias, tract for supplies of goods, &c ... 568 t Ngens, Sap ... .. l 351 may defrny expenses of certain delega- 0 irect the expen tture of the appro tions vtsitmtv Washington . . 568 piintions >forindiun service in the sev- to approve coidzrects in writing made wiih eral Territories. . 357, 358 Indians or Indian tribes . 570 to make pa; ments to certain persons 859, 360 when to causelund-patents to issue to the to expend annuities for Indians,-with Texas Pacific Ruilroitd Company 577 578 their consent, for such objects as will when, to New Orleans, Baton Rouge, beat promote the comfort, civilization, and Vicksburg Railroad Company 579 and ttnprovcnrent of the trihcs. ... 360 to cause patent; to issue I0 the Kansas to exercise his discretion so as to encour- Agricultural end Mechanical Associaage able-bodied Indians in habits of tion for portion of the lands of the mtlustry and peace. . 360 Fort Leavenworth militnry reservation 595 to cause the claims of c.rmin Winnebago to dis oss of certain public documents Indians to lands to be investigated 361 by distributing them among members to cause lands held in severelty by certain of Congress for public libraries, &c. .. 597 Indians to be conveyed to them in fee appipiprietionls for péty off, of assistant, snnpe . 861 an officer s inc ceo c . 242 487 to keep account of the sales of the lands Secretary of the Natgq, I I of the Osage Indians ..., 862 may require the opinion of the Attorney-I to m rke inventory of the property of the General on questions of law arising in United States in rooms occupied by.. . 364 his department . 163 to reserve from annuities of Kiowa In- not to employ counsel at the expense of dians certain sums for Helen and the United States ..., , . . . . .. 164 Heloise Lincoln 377 to submit to Congress annually estimates, to withhold trom any tribe of lndiitns &e. of the claims, &c. upon, and pay- who hold American captives any able out of, the pension fund . 222 moneys due them, until, &c ... 377, 378 to arrange recitutions, &c. at naval acadeduty o£ under resolution authorizing the my that students therein will not be re- Northern Pacific Railroad Compeny tn_ quired to study on Sunday ... 319 issue bonds, &c . 378, 379 to discharge liubilities under contracts under re—olution concerning the made prior to Merch 4, 1869 ... 825 Southern l.’nciEc Railroad of Cali- to cause st recstumtnution of the Corliss fornit . 382 Steam iingme Compuny_ 325 to inrreuse the compensation of assistant to mnke inventory of public propcrt_v_ot' marshals for taking the census when, pho United States tu nxldmgs occupied 364 &c. ... 380 y .. _ .. to approve mxp of location of the Utah may organised board of three olhcers to Central Rrtilroud Company,. . . .. 3eG examine into the cmes of such officers duties oil undcr the act for the relief of esmuy deem themselves utnustly passed the Stockbridge and Munsce triheoof 07 t over by <·ef;t:t;fpt{’<m2{§;<;ts6; 888 Indiuus ,.. 4 4 — 4 o approve p ‘ authorizing the sale t f certain lands Department ... z _ ... 494 reserved for the use of the Meng- to lpurch tseof Seth Wihnarth hrs_ patent monee tribe of Indians ..,,. ,,. ,. 410 iydrostanc arrangement for rmsing tm- 530 granting pensions to certain soldiers mts I .  :  : . . . and Sailors of the war of 1812, &c. 411 to have built by contract infsomp p1’1vo;e to appoint persams to make the vnlnetion yard e Houtingnron dock u1 H0 lepn P 584 0f cvruun property of the United of naval vessels .. L_ States in the District ol' Columbia and may invite plans, &c. rom ou i - · . -· · · — 6 builders Ste. for such dock ... 535 piesuihe iegnlutmns therefor . 42 _ _» me aid mi require curtain military reservations may detail e. line officer to ucutiusv Omen thnt nre to he sold to be subdivided in o; elxegpsnygpivtheorpmgnlnl Stgiun 537 .· M l1 r · s 0 v-,.`

 ? .i€.b?  fn.   il .     431 to take measures for the recovery of full