Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/325

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FORTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 273, 292. 1870. 291 From Fort Atkinson to Cold Spring, Po¤t—roads es- From Belmont to Fennimore. dill52E3Q? From Prairie Du Chien to De Sota. i From Mineral Point to Blanchardville. From Sparta to Orlano. From Green Bay to Eau Claire. From Eau Claire to Waukesha. From Saint Paul, in Minnesota, to Saint Croix. From Utica to Stoughton. From Door Creek to Lake l\Iills. From Groutsburg to Trade Lake. From Nicodah to Sherwood Forest. From Saint Croix Falls to Clam River Falls. From Humbird to Staffordsville. From Stillwater to Lincoln. From Menomonee to Erin. From Glendale to Hillsboro. From Buffalo City to Augusta. From Nasawaupee to Sturgeon Bay. From Viola to Viroqua. From Diamond Bluff to Ellsworth. From Green Bay, via New London, Stevens Point, Neillsville, and Augusta, to Eau Claire. From Eau Claire, via Rock Falls, Luna, Durand, and Nelson, to Wabaslia, in the State of Minnesota. From Cottage Grove, via Nora, to Deerfield. From Fort Atkinson to Cold Spring. From Eaton to Kiel, Manitowoc County. From Fort Howard to F lintville, Brown County. WYOMING. Wyoming. From Fort Halleck to lVhite River. From Laramie City to Cinnebar City. From Laramie City to Gilman City, in Colorado. Approved, July 14, 1870. CHAP. CCXCII.—An Act making Appropriations for sundry civil of the July 15, 1870. Government jbr the Year ending June thirty, ezghteen hundred and seventy-one, and jbr _"_"_""` other Purposes. Be it enacted {gg the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, T hat the following sums be, and Civil exthe same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects hereinafter expressed, for gf§;§g;PP”°‘ the fiscal year ending the thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and seventy- one, viz. :-· Supervising Inspectors of Steam T’esseZs.—For carrying out the pro- _ Supervising visions of the acts of the thirtieth August, eighteen hundred and fifty— ;‘Q;§;fQj’;;’s;’£_ two, for the better protection of the lives of passengers on vessels propelled 18521 Cb_ goo, in whole or in part by steam, and of the acts amendatory thereof, the fol- V°l· ><·_i>· Gig lowing sums, viz. :——- V°l` xw" p' ` For salaries of fifty-nine local inspectors of steam vessels, and clerk in Local inspeclocal offices at New York and New Orleans, fifty-six thousand three lm md °l°rkshundred dollars. For ten supervising inspectors of steam vessels, nine at two thousand _ Supervising dollars each and one at two thousand five hundred dollars, twenty ‘“sP‘*°*°'S· thousand five hundred dollars. For special agent of the department, two thousand one hundred and Special agent. ninety dollars.