Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/531

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FORTY¤-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 114. 1871. 497 Baltimore,·Mary1and, and that for the line officers at Washington, District of Columbia;) also, for that of the special commission, for rent of offices, including quarters for examining surgeon, and for miscellaneous expenses, exclusiye of clerk hire or compensation for service of any kind except consulting engineer employed to supervise construction of engines, five thousand dollars. Marine Ibspital Service.-For supplying deficiency in the fund for M¤’*9° h°'Pl‘ the relief of sick and disabled seamen, one hundred and fifty thousand mggzlgé ,,,,_ dollars. m,,,_ ` Looms and Treasury Notes. —For paper, engraving, printing, express Loans and charges, and other expenses of making and issuing the national currency, “'°““'Y "°“’• seventy-tive thousand dollars. For expenses in detecting and bringing to trial and punishment persons Detection and engaged in counterfeiting treasury notes, national bank notes, bonds, and QU:} °f °°,f‘““"' other securities of the United States, as well as the coins of the United ;:;.il.i§_m States, and other frauds upon the government, one hundred and twenty- five thousand dollars. Msccllaneous.—For payment of the necessary expenses incurred in Mi¤<=¤ll¤¤¤<>¤¤· defend[ing] suits against the Secretary of the Treasury, or his agents, for mg‘l"°“°° °f the seizure of captured or abandoned property; and for the examination witnesses. of witnesses in claims against the United States pending in any department ; and for the defence of the United States, in respect of such property, in the court of claims, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney- General, sixty thousand dollars, no part of which shall be paid to attorneys- t£° Pm l° at-law for professional services, for appearing and assisting in the trial of a` m°yB' causes in the Supreme, circuit, or district courts of the United States, or court of claims; and that the Attorney-General make report to Con- Al*°¤‘¤°Y·G°¤• gress at the end of the fiscal year of the manner of the appropriation of °"‘1 °° "P°"' this fund, and to whom and for what purposes paid. For this sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be expended D¢*¤¤li<>¤ snd under the direction of the Attorney-General in the detection and prosecu- §;§sD°;‘;m°° °f tion of crimes against the United States, fifty thousand dollars. Vol. xvii. p. 6. For expenses to be incurred in the prosecution and collection of claims Qollection of due the United States, to be disbursed under the direction of the Attorney- °l““"“ d“°• General, twenty-five thousand dollars. For continuing the collection of statistics of mines and mining, to be _$t¤l=i¤ti¤¤ ¤l’ laid before Congress, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary :{:f:g'f“d of the Treasury, ten thousand dollars. For compensation of clerks and for additional compensation to same in ¤l¢rk¤- the office of the Secretary of the Treasury, twenty-two thousand five hundred dollars. For facilitating communication between the Atlantic and Pacific States Elgcgrgp t¤l¤· by electric telegraph, forty thousand dollars: Provided, That no part of 3:pAmug:°;‘¤d this amount shall be paid to any company which shall refuse or neglect Pacifio_States. to perform telegraphic service for the government of the United States in 11g;';':;- 230 accordance with the provisions of an act entitled "An act to aid in the v°l_ gv_ gh construction of telegraph lines, and to secure [to] the government the use of the same for postal, military, and other purposes," approved July twenty-four, eighteen hundred and sixty-six. For construction of revenue vessels in accordance with recommendation Revenue of the special commission, approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, two '°”°l*· hundred thousand dollars. For furniture and repairs of furniture for public buildings under the Furniture. control of the Treasury Department, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. For fuel, lights, and water for public buildings under the control of guelkggbu, the Treasury Department, two hundred and twenty-five thousand dol- °‘" "° ‘ lars. For heating apparatus for public buildings under the control of the Heating up Treasury Department, fifty thousand dollars. P"·“"’“'· von. xvi. Pu1s.—32