Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/55

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 FORTY-FIRST`CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 16. 1869. 21

{ For tenth of twenty instalments for pay and subsistence of one phy- d£‘g;;¤°;“ Mid' Q sician, one sawyer, one miller, one superintendent of farming operations, g° '

 and one school-teacher, per fourth article treaty twenty-fifth June, eigh-

Q teen hundred and fit'ty-five, five thousand six hundred dollars.

 For tenth of twenty instalments for salary of the head chief of said

Q confederated bands, per fourth article treaty twenty-fifth June, eighteen l hundred and fifty-five, five hundred dollars.

 Greeks.-- For permanent annuity in money, per fourth article treaty VC{°°l$?· 36

i seventh August, seventeen hundred and ninety, and fifth article treaty V§_°;fl`p?'700Q Q seventh August, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, one thousand five hun- § dred dollars

 For ermanent annuit in money, per second article treat sixteenth

Q June, eighteen hundred hud two, and fifth article treaty severilh August, V¤l· vii- p· 69-

 eighteen hundred and fifty-six, three thousand dollars.

l For permanent annuity in money, per fourth article treaty twenty- i fourth January, eighteen hundred and twenty-six, and fifth article treaty Vol. vii. p. 287. Q seventh August, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, twenty thousand dollars. i For permanent annuity for blacksmith and assistant, and for shop and

 tools, per eighth article treaty twenty-fourth January, eighteen hundred

t and twenty-six, and fifth article treaty seventh August, eighteen hun-

 dreid and fifty-sixé eightlfiurgdred and ftgtyt dtillgrs. Y l hm t. I

f `or ermanen annui r or iron an see orsio , er eig ar ice

 treaty Ifwenty-fourth Jahuary, eighteen hundred ahldptwenty-six, and

f fifth article treaty seventh August, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, two

 hundred and sevent dollars.

i For permanent ahnuity for the pay of a wheelwright, per eighth article E treaty twenty-fourth January, eighteen hundred and twenty-six, and { fifth article treaty seventh August, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, six hundred dollars. 3 For blacksmith and assistant and for shop and tools, during the pleas- I ure of the President, per fifth article treaty fourteenth February, eigh- Vol. vii- p- 419-

teen hundred and thirty-three, and fifth article treaty seventh August,

i eighteen hundred and fifty-six, eight hundred and forty dollars. g For iron and steel for shop during the pleasure of the President, per

 fifth article treaty fourteenth February, eighteen hundred and thirty-

S tlgee, and fifth article treaty setelnth August, eighteen hundred and fi -six, three hundred and seventy ol ars. l ir or wagon-maker, during the pleasure of the President, per fifth artiz cle treaty February fourteenth, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, and l fifth article treaty August seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, six hundred dollars. i For assistance in agricultural operations, during the pleasure of the i President, per eighth article treaty January twenty-fourth, eighteen hun-

 dred and twenty-six, and fifth article treaty August seventh, eighteen
hundred and fifty-six, two thousand dollars.

For education, during the pleasure of the President, per fifth article i treaty February fourteenth, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, and ufifth - article treaty August seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, one ou- ! sand dollars. g l For five per centum interest on two hundred thousand dollars for pur- [ poses of education, per sixth article treaty seventh August, eighteen i hundred and fifty-six, ten thousand dollars. d ’ For interest on seven hundred and sevent -five thousand one hundre { and sixty-eight dollars, at the rate of nge pdf centpm peri annum, to be , ex ended under the direction of the ecretary o the nterior, under l prgvisions of third article treaty June fourteenth, eighteen hundred and V I , 786 i pixty-six, thirty-eight thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight dollars and °mv' p ' ort cents. l Flor transportation of such articles as may be purchased for the Creek l