Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/578

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544 FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. S1=;ss. III. Ch. 119, 120. 1871. Fort ¤tFort For fort at Fort point, entrance to San Francisco harbor, California, P°*¤*· iift thousand dollars. Fort at Lime Iior fort at Lime point, one hundred thousand dollars. P°X‘f;atm For fort on Alcatraz Island, in the harbor of San Francisco, Cahfomm, Island. seventy-five thousand dollars. Sim *`°¤‘ ¤•‘~¤· For purchase of sites proposed to be occupied for permanent sea-coast

 defences: Provided, That no such purchase shall be made except upon

the approval of its expediency by the Secretary of War, and of the validity of the title by the Attorney-General, one hundred and iiftX thousand dollars: And provided further, That no contracts or obligation bc incurred for future expenditures therefor. Contingencies. For contingencies of fortifications, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.

 mor- For sea-coast mortar batteries, one hundred thousand dollars.
  • °§*’““°'*t9“· For survey for military defences, one hundred and fifty thousand dolmiyxgydgr lars, and the unexpended balance of appropriations for " permanent

f¤¤<=¤¤- _ _ defences at Narragansett bay, Rhode Island," remaining on the thirtietb

0,A£¥m;§°;}°° day of Juno, eighteen hundred and seventy, and the unexpended bal-

Narragansett ances of the appropriations made by the act approved July eleven, bw d d eighteen hundred and seventy, entitled "An act making appropriations b,];,:;?- ,2,,, for the construction, preservation, and repairs of certain fortifications, $3;; ¤h-zz?. and other works of defence, for the fiscal year euding June thirty, eigh- "uppl{0¥;mmh giundred and seventy-one, are hereby reappropmatcd for the same Armovmo, March 1871. Mmb 8, I67L CHAP. CXX. -An Act maid? Apprznariqziom jbr the ourrent and contingent of the Indian Department, an j'br jiz_;€qing Treaty Stzpulatums with various ndmn gwes, jbr the Year ending June thirty, ezghteen hundred and seventy-two, and for other UTP08E3- Be it enacted by the Senate cmd House of Representatives of the United States of America in Uongress assembled, That the following sums be, Appropriations and they are hereby, appropriated, out of; any money in the treasury not f‘;;°i’;f§::°j°ff otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of paying the current and conpgrtmgnlggnd tingent. expenses of the Indian department, and fulfilling treaty stipulafrwy ¤¤i¤¤!¤»- tions with the various Indian tribes : —- u?§;im.inmd_ For psy of eight superintendents of Indian affairs, namely: Two superents. intendents for the tribes east of the Rocky mountains; one for Oregon; one for Waxshington Territory; one for the Territory of New Mexico; one for California; one for the Territory of Arizona; and one for Montana, nineteen thousand one hundred dollars. Agents. For pag of sixty-two agents of Indian affairs, namely: Three for the tribes in regon; four for the tribes in New Mexico; one additional for Indians in New Mexico; one for the tribes in New Mexico ; one for the tribes in Utah; one additional for the Indians in Utah; one for the tribes in the Territory of Utah; eleven for the tribes east of the Rocky mountains; two for the tribes east of the Rocky mountains; six for the Indians east of the Rocky mountains; namely, Sioux, Seminole, Omaha, Kickapoo, Kansas, and Neosho agencies; three for the tribes east of the Rocky mountains; one for the Indians in the State of New York; one for Green bay, Wisconsin ; three for the tribes in Washington Territory; one for the Wichitus and neighboring tribes west of the Ohoctaws and Chickssaws; one for the tribes east of the Rocky mountains ;' one for the Indians in the Territory of New Mexico; one for the Ponca tribe; one for the Pawnees; one for the Yankton Sioux; three for the tribes in the Territory of Washington; one for the Grand River and Uintah bands of Indians in the Territory of Colorado; two for the Upper Missouri and the country adjacent thereto; one for the Ottawas, Chippewas of Swan creek and Black river, and Christian Indians in Kansas;