Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1044

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1004 INDEX. Dqficienc_{{Appropriation, (continued.) Dgicienqy A ppropriatian, (conGnued.)· Stoc bridge Indians, transfer of ac- preparation of rooms, vaults, &c., counts ... 539 for assistant treasurer at Chicaexpenses of Indian hostilities in Mon- go ...,.. 543 tana 539 designation a depositaries of, &c., to be subsistence and civilization of Arickare, revoked when, Gm. . . . . . . . 543 Gros Ventre, and Mandau Indians at Dqarnette, Daniel C'., Fort Berthold agency . . 540 political disabilities removed from . . 786 miscellaneous . . . 540 Delano, Lang and, introduction of shad into the rivers and payment to, by Venezuela, for damages lakes of the United States 540 at Aves Island .. 803, 804 folding documents, House of Represen- Delaware, tatives ... 540 representation ot] in Congress, accord- Rives & Bailey, reporting, &c., debates, 540 ing to the ninth census . 28 public printing . 540 corporators of the Centennial Board of S. Wolf 540 Finance from . 204 International Prison Reform Congress . 540 Delawares, congressional cemetery .. 540 appropriations for the 172, 173, 446 board of health of the District of Colum- for payment of interest on trustbia . . . . 540 fund of . .. 188, 402 Columbia Hospital for \Vomen . . . 540 Delegates in Congress. See Congress. purchase of City Hall building in Wash- provision for the election of 28, 29 ington ... 540 not to receive pay for services in any price to be determined by apprais- matter before any bureau, &c., where ers ... 540 the United States is interested . . . 411 purchasemoney, how to be applied, 540 no allowance to be made to, on account land for new building . 540 of postage .. 421 government not to be liable . . . 540 salary of, established from March 4, no land granted for such building . 540 1873 486 purchase and distribution of seeds . , 540 “DeZzQ<;ht," The Schooner, Departlncut of Justice . . . 541 payment to Martin Freeman, owner of . 704 courts, jurors, witnesses, prisoners, and Delians, David, prosecutions for crime . . 541 damages awarded to, by commissioners judges .. . . 541 of claims .. 693 rent and fitting rooms . .. 541 DeLoach, Josiah, · pay of certain members of Congress claim of; allowed by commissioners . . 754 from Georgia .. . . , 541 “Delp/1ine," The Brig, Mississippi 541 an American register to be issued to. 225 Ohio .. . . . . 541 Demery, Mahlon, bearer of contesting electoral vote of payment to, for live-stock . 714 Louisiana .. 541 Demurrers, sergeant-at-arms of the House 541 in criminal cases in federal courts, to inbuilding at Evansville, Ind., for custom- dictments, &c., when overruled, what house, &c. .. 541 judgment to be entered . 158 land in Indianapolis, adjoining court- Denmark, house ... - . 541 postal convention with, of November 7 · pension omce, salaries ... 541 and December 1, 1871 . . . 903-916 balance of appropriation for payments exchange of mails and offices of exto States for amounts due for enrol- change . 903, 908 ling, &c., troops, &c., reappropriated . 542 mails to be despatched by regular routes, 903 topographer of Post-ofnce Department . 542 cost of international and territorial tran- William M. Ireland ... 542 sit of closed mails ... 903 J. M. McGrew . 542 correspondence to include what . . . 903 registered package envelopes 542 letter postage, weight and rates of let salaries of postmasters .. 542 ters ...,.. 903, 904 post-oiilce at Charleston, S. C. 542 prepayment of postage optional . . 904 posvtl stumps for certain officers additional postage on unpaid letand departments for year ending June ters . 904, 909 30, 1874 ... 542 other correspondence, rates for 904 special stamps or stamped envelopes for regulations for forwarding . . 904, 908 official mail matter for the executive packets not to contain, &c. . 904, 908 departments . 542 dimensions of _ .. 904 to be sold at what price 542 prohibited articles .. 904 Charles H. W. Meehan .. 542 customs duties ... 904 assistant trcasurcrs of the United registered correspondence . . . 904, 908 States to be appointed at Cincinnati rates of postage, to be prepaid . . 904 and Chicago . 543 no responsibility for loss 904 suitable rooms to be prepared for accounts between the two offices . 905, 910 them .. 543 to be transmitted quarterly . . . 906 their powers, duties, and pay . . 543 rates for conversion of money. 906, 910 rooms now used by designated de- open mails, exchange of correspondence positaries at those places to be set in .. . , . 905 apart, &c. . 543 closed mails, transit through either counmay appoint clerks and messengers, 543 try . . . . . . . . . . · . 905