Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1059

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INDEX. 1019 Geneva A1 bitraiion and Award, German Empire, (continued.) money paid under the, to the United ccnsuls, &c., may apply to local authori- States how to be used, 8m . 601 ues for redress, &c. . . . 925 Geological and Geogmphzcal Survey qlhe Terri- if notice thereof is not taken, may ones, a to · t . 92" by _Profcssor F. V. Hayden, appropria- mayuiayke digigiiigii? &c. 92; trcns for .. I 131, 350, 513 may verify papers, wills, &c., of G éor maps, charts, &c., to illustrate . 513 their countrymen 926, 932 eorge van, such pa, , u d EI ·l claim olj allowed by commissioners . . 754 to be igcfiveii is (isgai dfcluc •* Gemyc Upton," T he Steamer, ments, &c. ... 926 certain bonds for manufactured tobacco to represent absent heirs or creditors G lost: org ngay be cancelled . 683 of oerson; dying in either céguntgy 32 emgqe own, . . wit wut, c, 9‘ 9‘ 7, 9 board of suriiey for the harbor and river succession duties . . . , . . 92.7 at . _ 36 to take charge of effects left by dcto contribute to the support of the Metro- ceased sailors or passengers . . 927 mm; §i);ii;1`¢sS¤ ····· 21% **22** ,*¤..“ar-it s2;’“i°'S Of 9»7 · ... cir azoamie eury ... provision for schools for colored children merchant vessels not to be searched, in .. _ . 619, 620 &c., by, &.c., without previous notrustees of Presbyterian Congregation tice to consular officers 928 G oi] may cionhvey their real estate . . 731 h notice {0 name the hour, &c. . 928 "emjqetown ”a.s-Lg t 0mpan_y, to AVBGXC usiveclmrgco theinterrights of, extended 629 nal order of merchant vessels, &c., 928 Georgia, local authorities to incerfere post-roads, established in . 25, 103, 383, 588 only in case ot] &c. 928 represfmtatiorr: of, in Congress, according 8 expenseis of arrest, &c. . . 933 to t ie nint census ... 2 may arrest escrncrs rom vesse s . 9* title to certain lands in, derived from the mode of procedure in such United States, between the Orr and cases ... 929, 930 Vifhitney line and the Watson line to settle certain damages suflbred at 930 confirmed .. 52 sea by vessels, it, &c. . corporaturs of the Centennial Board of duty of, in arlespccic to wrecked 931 Finance from . 204 se s and s vage ‘ circuit court, jurisdiction taken from the trade-marks, citizens of either district court of the northern district 2 8 cfmntry to have the same rights in of . l tie other country in respect to as circuit court created for such district . 218 native citizens Z) . ._ . . . I. . 931 certain captured lands, and tenements, convention to continue m force how belonging to the United States in, to long _ _ 932 be sold . . . 380 German Natzovwal Bank of E vansmlfc, mode of sale and terms of pay- 380 the sari0e5s0L 0; Imc lass; Chester Na- 410 ment . tiona em o oun ernon . . . apiéropriatiofii to pay certain members of 541 Gen·y, E/dridgf, f _ d d 701

payment o, or services ren crc I _. .

Gere R. (gg5I:?;? Om Gettysbwjq/1, Brut/e;/ie/d Memorial Assnczatwn, G contract with, to be cancelled 658 G congslmrézd cannon, &c., donated to . . 631 cna Er `za 61/G7'. 7* -» _ _ __ iimiilitioilfai article of March 31 and May ‘ claim of] allowed by commissioners . . :46 14, 1871, to former postal convon- Srg Gzbbons, Fra£1¢;zsAt:, I _ 788 tions o paymen o 0 c zum . . . . . . . single rate of letter postage established, 859 Gibbs, John, , _ _ ccnvcnticn with, of December 11, claim of} allowed by commissioners . . 754 1871, respecting consuls and trade- 921 9,],5,;, ,10/in T,, marks ---·-··-··· damages awarded to by commissioners consuls, &c., to be received and have all of claims , , , i . . '. 693 rights and privileges . . 921, 922, 982 Gibson) Eggzabeth) form Of I`€€0Pti0¤» €X€qu**m*` · · · 922 damages awarded to, by commissioners if not citizens, to pc free from arrest, of claims _ _ ___, , . . , 694 taxes, &c., except, &c. . . . _ . 922 Gibumnjames J_, Engaging i“'°°m"{°"i°* mt t° °‘V°*d claim oi allowed by commissioners . . 750 commercial liabilities . 923 GMO" James W mw Place the arms °f Emir muon L daimwcs awarded to by commissioners over door, &c., and hoist Hag . . 923 Y ._ 694

 . ofr.lmms.

archives mviolable _ 923, 924 Gibson icsoph °H{°;i and dweumgs Of; &c" mW)` 924 payment io, for livestock _ ._ 7i4 am; th i)8•uéGd· ag I;l&é€s• Oi, (,21 G?) jxaigygrguztifged by commissioners · · 704 asylum . Z 8 Vb _ . ·» ,_ in case of death, &c., who to act as, 92Q _ P¤¤$10¤ *0 ····· · ··••' 6*3 viceconsuls and consular zwents . 924, 92.; Gy! Concerts, _ U , . b who may be, their commission, _ circulars for 11i0g11i, not to be sent: y 02 p0wers,&c...924,92n ma.1I3