Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1083

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INDEX. 1043 Lands, Public, (continued.) [And, pubyc (continued ) tract ot, in Montana and Wyomin , near n’rthw , • ‘¤· the headwaters of the Yelloéstene 0estab‘li;dl‘·leId.lalld.·dl met m Kansas 15* river, set apart as a public park . 82, 33 a section of in Laramie- count ol Befséiptngs Igwarntpblanggeizrzdccrtain 37 migg Territory, withdrawn frldm sdle, · • 8.11 S Hancock Barracks at Houlten, Me., to voir m.crYeé tt) 9h°Y°'}“‘{ for I reset- 158 be sold . .. . I . .' . . _. . . 40 certain lands confirmed to Alabama for Monroe land district, m Louisiana, re- the use of the Selma &c Railroad established · . ·... 40 Company . . . ’ U 159 grant to Nevada for college purposes right of way over: granted continued in force ... 40 such road. . .’ . , ° 159 commission on boundary line between allotments of] to the Pottowattdmic and the United States and British posses- Absentee Shawnee Indians . . 159 160 sions. _ .. _ _ . 43 former grants ot] to the Chicago and act for relief of pre-emption settlers in Northwestern Railroad Company not California .. 43 affected by, &c . 160 exchange and transfer of two parcels in title to the peninsula in Lake Erie op- St. Louis, Mo. 48 posite to the harbor of Erie Pa. may homesteads on, for honorably discharged be accepted, if, &c. . . .,. ., . . 162 soldiers and sailors, their widows and right of way through, Sec., granted to orphan children 49 the Dakota Southern Railroad Co. . 163 titles to certain, on boundary line of provisions respecting lands of Indian Georgia and Florida, between the Orr tribes, &c., in the Indian appropriation and Whitney line and the Watson line, act ... 189-191 confirmed .. 52 act. relating to the creation of new land grant of right of way through, and of districts . . . Z ... 192 land for depot, &c., purposes, to the business in original districts to be Portland, Dalles, and Salt Lake City done without change, until, &c. . 193 Railroad Company ... 62 certain sales heretofore made contwo new land districts established in firmed .. 193 Nebraska .. 54 right of way through, &c., granted to the Western and Republican Valley Dakota Grand Trunk Railroad Co. . 202 districts . 54 to the Utah, Idaho, and Montana Linkton land district in Oregon estab- Railroad Company . 212 lished. . . . 55 partition to be made of the reservation certain sales and locations of land in trust for the band of Me-shin-go-me confirmed .. 55 sin. 218 land grant to “The Texas and Pacific negotiations with the Shoshone and Railway Company" .. 59 Bannock Indians for surrender of part unsold lands in Kansas of the Kansas of their reservation ,.. 214 Indians to be appraised and sold . . 85 granted to Oregon for an Agricultural rights of bona fide settlers thereon . 85 college may be selected from what, persons holding pre-cmptions on, in Min- doc. .. 217, 218 nesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Da- International Ocean Telegraph Comkota Territory, to have one year ad- pany may pre-empt certain, in Florida, 219 ditional to make final proof, &c. . 88, 89 certain, in Washington, D.C., to be set act for relief of purchasers of lands sold apart, &c.,for the use of public schools for direct taxes in insurrectionary in that city .. 221 States . 89, 332 right of way through, in Florida, granted of settlers on Osage Indian lands to the Great Southern Railway Comin Kansas 90, 91 pany for railroad and telegraph puract respecting mineral lands, mining poses . .• .. _ ._ . 224, 225 claims. placer claims, and patents act for the relief of those claiming title therefor ,. 91-96 under Bartholomew Cousin, extended, 225 certain Cherokee lands in Kansas to be marine hospital grounds in San Fransurveyed and oiiered for sale . . 98, 99 cisco to be sold . . . . 226 constituting the Fort Collins military military reservation of Fort Walla—Walla reservation to be subject to pre-emp- may be sold . 226 tion and homestead entry . 120 lands in Bitter Root valley, Montana law relating to private contracts with Territory, to be surveyed, and open Indians ... 136 for settlement . _. I 226, 227 Dakota land district established in Da— certain Indians may remain in the kota Territory 138 valley and pre-empt, . . . 227 additional land district in Minnesota John Owen may obtain title to cerestablished .. 138 tam lands . . . ’. . _ 227 to be named after place where the lands of the Quapaw Indians in Kansas, 228 office shall be first established . 138 reservation for the Great and House Osage I limits of military reservation at Fort _ Indians in the Indian Territory, 228, 229 Stanton, New Mexico, to be reduced . 139 right of way through, in ilorida, to the possession of certain wharf-property in Jacksonville and Saint Augustine New Orleans released to the city . . 139 _ Railroad Company . ._ . . 2 . . 280 city of Denver may purchase certain, in title of certain Sioux Indians to, in. Da- Colorado, for a cemetery . . . . . 140 kota Territory, to be inquired into,