Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1114

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1074 INDEX. Pennsylvania Avenue, (continued.) Pensions, (continued.) work to be done under the supervision act to x·evisc,conso1ida.te, and amend of the board of public works . . . 10 the laws relating to . 5G6~57 7 Pennsylvania MilitaryLegi<m of the City of Phila- who, and for what disability, to be delphia, placed upon the list of invalid pensioncondemned cannon to be placed at the ers ,... 567 disposal of the, for monument in their to receive pensions at certain rates . 667 cemetery .. 18 act extended to certain officers, &c., of Penny, Anne, the Missouri State militia 570 pensiowm . . . . . .. 721 pensions not to commence prior to Pensacola, its passage 570 appropriatiousfor navy-yard ut, 147-150, 152, certain claims for, to be established be- 868, 65Q, 554 fore July 4, 1874. . . . . . .i . 567 for naval hos ital at 150, 652 persons not entitled to gensions for‘in_]u· Pensacola and Lou.isv1'!£Ra£lraad Co., if Ala- gies, &c , since July 7, 1868, unless, 667 bama, . right of way through public lands, and total disability rates for, of the the right to take materials, grnxgféi 341 isevegal grsuges 0 omcers and of gn? 568 to . . . , iste men, -c . . . 5 , road to be a post-road . . . 341 pension to be for rank held at the time when to be completed . 341 of the injury . 568 may make certain running connec- rank, how determined . 568 tiQ¤¤ ·····•- _ · · - 341 Special disability by loss of both presmprwu and hcmesmd claims ¤<>¤ feet, or both hands, or sight of mm Rdiwtéd · - · · · · · · · · ·· 341 eyes, &c., rates of pension for, for cer- Pwim AM¤f¤··= Md Aywv, tain periods . 568 nppropriations for . . . . . . . 31, 407 Permanent disability, rutss Og, Pmwn 4l”'“· _ , , after June 4, 1872, to persons permaprovisions concerning, m the revised mmiy disabied and so iieipiess 8,, to pension law . 575 require reguim. aid gm, Oi- another Pension Clrzimanis. See Pensions. person ____ { ______ 569 d€°]*?`”*i°“; 0*: *0 be m“d° Wh°*'° md 573 of abuse so disabled, but not requiz— be ore w om . ing Such aid, gw _______ 55;; Pwsivn 0 ve, s i 1 a mss rh osu- ¤¤<§=€>;i¤¤¢1¤rk¤i¤.lg¤}¤¢ ¤m>·>i¤¢¤d by 5 °f£Z°S$s Z15E?;? limbs . °Y . sos t e ecretary o the nterior . . . is I m n u appropriations for expenses of the, 5, 75, d fcglgigig Egioggzuage of gferg; deggkigcy ¤v¤~v¤¤¤¤¤ for *¤¤¤v<¤=·¤* 538 3ZI}€*5isTsF€s§hS¢°?i"£2 SZQEJS ‘T°”T". sss er s in ... · , · _ sx nses of removing pspsss, sw., to ms “°c;‘QIj;f§j§8°Qe$jfjj’§Qt§*§§*’Q,_j;g,,§‘; gzawu H°“°° ‘’'‘‘' °’ certincate . 569 clerks ‘‘’°‘‘' certificate. to be subject to approval Pensions, · · - S _ _ appropriations for, for years ending June °f (;?mm1s;l°sq;g;€;§1°£f mm 569 ao, 1873, sua June 80, 1874, 31, 407, 408 P¤£°lfi°¤‘ wu? d. in t fm arm and revolutionary . . . 81, 407 i.°" °g"°°°° ma H YM pm I 569 urtigcial limbs, Svc. . . . . . 81, 407 th °I"b‘ :ck‘i€iiv8'Or‘fu}i0fi iiié pension agents and agencies . . 81, 407 °S° °· sen Qu “‘ `. . g - be deemed in the held or hospital . . 569 navy pensions, &c. . 82,407 . d f . b t d to to be paid from income ofmwy pen. PM10 0 Service to e cons rue ex. sion fund I I i i i i · 32, {Bild l10W fil.! . . . . · s s . . duplicate checks for payment 012 may be widows BFG 9h1|d{‘€I\ of PSTSQM issued in place of original checks of not €¤¤tl€d W mvahd PEUSWUS to "€°?“'° over $500 lost or destroyed 4 the ¤¤m€ Ms &€·» md fm` what Period, 669, bond of indemnity to be given . . 4 _ _ f 570 provisions of former act made applicable thu to HPPU fo me W1d0“'¤»¤&c·» 0_ to the prosecution of claims for, and 5 'gigtggiifigxé &<>·» of W6 A $$0***1 {T0 amentsof . _ ···· • · · · _' m§y5he grunted for woxmds received at d00F1g6d 13G11S1g3H to beI0¤,<:_ to · · · 544 my naval Simon _,_____ gg pension of widows to be increase after 6_O mmsibi. Oi- appropriations {Oi-, from one July 2q, 1866, and at what race . . :0 fund to mmihei. ______ _ _ 233 of child or eiuldreu _ . _ . 5: all coiored persons who enlisted in the uddmoml pepswn to vixdoii for child, 570 army to have the same right to . . 601 &¤·, iQ ¤¤¤¤¤¤€ <>¤~J’ li_>W_ 3i1g t · uct increasing rates of ..·· 335 what °h*m*‘°‘l km °“** ° "° “° ° 570 persons, who have IOM: of both d88H19d I€gltIH10.t€ .- s s s Ia'. - eyes, or lost both hands, or both feet, (v010f8d 01* Ilndlun S0 IQIZS &c., to have a. pension of $31.2a u. S€I.il0l’S, widows of, to receive month . T . 385 pension upon what proof of marriage, 570 losing one hand and one foot, &c., their children to be held lawful __ to have $24 n month . 335 childgen . . ._ . . . . . . 040 losing one hand or one foot, &c., to widows enmled to pension by reason of have $18 n month . . . . . . 885 children under age, not to receive