Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/115

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FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. IL Ch. 140. 1872. 75 and repairs of the heating apparatus, eighteen thousand two hundred Department of d0H3j[·3_ U18 ID.fA1‘l01‘· General Land Office.-—For commissioner of the general land office, General land three thousand dollars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars; recorder, two °m°°‘ thousand dollars; three principal clerks, at one thousand eight hundred m£;Z,g;.°:g` dollars each; three clerks of class four, twenty-three clerks of class three, corder, clerks, forty clerks of class two, forty clerks of class one; one draughtsman, at &°· one thousand six hundred dollars; one assistant draughtsmau, at one thousand four hundred dollars; two messengers, three assistant messengers, seven laborers, and two packers; in all, one hundred and seventy- one thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars. Also, for additional clerks Additional on account of military bounty lands, viz., for principal clerk, two thousand clerks. &<=· dollars; one clerk of class three, four clerks of class two, thirty-five clerks of class one, and two laborers; in all, fifty-two thousand six hundred and forty dollars: Provided, That the Secretary of the Interior, at. his discretion, shall be, and he is hereby, authorized to use any portion of said appropriation for piece-work, or by the day, month, or year, at such rate or rates Pieoswvork. as he may deem just or_ fair, not exceeding a salary of one thousand two hundred dollars per annum. For cash system, maps, diagrams, stationery, ihmiture, and repairs of Maps, stationtbe same; miscellaneous items, including two of the city newspapers, to WG *¤P¤i¥¤, &¤- be filed, bound, and preserved for the use of the office; advertising and telegraphing; miscellaneous items on account of bounty lands and military patents, under the several acts, aud contingent expenses under the swamp-land act., twenty thousand dollars; to bring up arrearages of work Addition,] in the land oilioe by the employment of thirty clerks of class one, for one clerks for one year only, thirty-six thousand dollars; making a total appropriated for the Y"”‘ general land office of two hundred and eighty thousand Bve hundred and sixty dollars. Indian Office. — For compensation of the commissioner of Indian Indian oem. affairs, three thousand dollars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars; three PQ? vf clerks of class four, seven clerks of class three, five clerks of class two, one 22?Q:”§,°;j messenger, one assistant messenger, and one laborer; in all, thirty thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars. For temporary clerks, viz., for one clerk of class three, seven clerks of class two, twelve clerks of class one, and four female copyists at nine hundred dollars each; in all, twenty-nine thousand four hundred dollars. For blank books, binding, stationery, fuel, lights, and miscellaneous items, including two city newspapers, to be Bled, bound, and preserved for the use of the office, five thousand dollars. _ Pension Office. —- For compensation of commissioner of pensions, three pe,,,,,,,, 0mm_ thousand dollars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars; twenty-two clerks of by of comclass four, forty-eight clerks of class three, seventy-six clerks of class two, "“”‘°“°'- &’°· seventy-eight clerks of class one, sixteen female copyists at nine hundred dollars each, one messenger, five assistant messengers, and five laborers in his oflioe; in all, three hundred and forty-three thousand eight hundred d llars. 0For compensation of additional temporary clerks in the pension office for the year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, as follows: For four clerks of class three, eight clerks of class two, forty- eight clerks of class one, nine female oopyists at nine hundred dollars each, seven assistant messengers, and five laborers; in all, ni11ety-one thousand nine hundred and forty dollars. For stationery, engraving, and retoucbing plates; for bounty-land warrants, printing and binding the same, office furniture, and repamng the same, and miscellaneous items, mcluding two da1ly newspapers, be filed, bound, and preserved for the use of the odioeg and for detection and m- vestigation of fraud, seventy-five thousand dollars: . . United States Patent Office.-For compensation of the commissioner 1’¤¢¤¤¤<>¤<=¤·