Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/18

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xviii LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS OF CONGRESS. PML Court-house . t Grand Ra 'ds, Michigan. An act for the construction ofa court-house, postonice?-esridl other govegment offices at Grand Rapids, Michigan. Bebruary 21, 1876, oh. 470 178 . - .. . . · . P z B °ld‘n at Dover Delaware. An oct to provide for the erection of s, post-office buildos {Win; si:uDov`Z—>r, in the,State of Delaware. February 21, 1878, ch. . .h . . .l . 471 0 ul ndD‘ l t' Ex eases Appropriation. An act making spproprumons ort e consu sr cm ciintd diplii]ni:i,lt.iel:ervice of the government for the year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, and forotber purposes. February 22, 1873, ch. 184 . . . 471 Penitentiaries in Washington Territory., An act amendstory of an not " setting inside certain proceeds of internal revenue for the erection of penitentisrnes m the Territories of Nebras- , ko, Washington, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Arizona, and Dakota, approved January twenty-second, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven. February 22, 1873, ch. 185 . . . 475 Custom-house Property at Plymouth, North Carolina. An act authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to sell the custom-house property at Plymouth, North Carolina. lebruary 475 22 1873, ch. 186 .. . . .. Settlers on Sioux Indian Racer-vdtirm. An oct for the relief of settlers on the late Sioux Indian W reservation, in the State of Minnesota. February 24, 1873, ch. 188 4.5 Gdlectiori District »y"the Techs. An act to define the limits of the collection district of the Teche, in the State of Louisiana, and for other purposes. February 25, 1873, ch. 198 475 S. P. Jocelyn. An act for the relief of S. P. Jocelyn. February 25, 1873, eh. 199 . 476 Circuit Courts in Missouri. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to proyide for holding a. circuit court of the United States in the western district of Missouri," approved June eight, eighteen hundred and seventy-two. February 25, 1878, ch. 200 .. 476 Convention with Venezuela. An act to enforce the stipulations of the convention with Yeuezuela of April twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, and the payment of adjudicated claims. February 25, 1873, ch. 201 . , 477 The Prgpeller Oliver Cromwell. An act to grant su American register to the propeller Oliver romwell. February 25, 1873, ch. 202 . 477` Northern Pacific Railroad Company. An act to authorize theNortl1ern Pacific Railroad Company to construct and maintain a bridge across the Saint Louis river. February 27, 1873, 477 ch. 207 .. . .. Kansas Senatorial EIection_Im•esiiqation. An act to provide for the expenses of the investigation of the recent senatoris.1 election in Kansas. February 27, 1873, ch. 208 .. 479 Lflitary Academy Appropriation. An act making appropriations for the support of the Military Academy for the fiscal year, ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four. February 28, 1873, ch. 210 .. • ... 479 Military Reservation at Fort Ripley, Minnesota. An act t0Mprovide for the disposition of that portion of the military reservation at Fort Ripley, nnesota, which lies east of the Mississippi river. February 28, 1873, ch. 211 481. Treaty with Great Britain. Fish and Fic]: Oil. Merchandise in Transit. An act to carry into effect the provisions of the treaty between the United States and Grant Britain, signed iu the city of Washington, the eighth day of May, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, relating to the fisheries. March 1, 1873, ch. 218 .. 482 Time for first Expenditure on certain mining Claims extended. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to promote the development of the mining resources of the United States." March 1, 1873, ch.214 ... 483 Circuit and District Courts <y"the United States in Kentucky. An act to change and fix the time of holding the spring terms of the United States circuit and district courts in the cities of Covington and Paducah, in the State of Kentucky. March 1, 1873, ch. 215 . . . 484. Frank 1|L_ Ashton. _An act authorizing the President to a point Frank M. Ashton s second assistant engineer in the navy of the United States. Kiarch 1, 1873, ch. 216 484 Departrnent of the Interiorr An not to. transfer the control of certain powers and duties in rela.- tion to the Territories to the Department of the Interior. March 1, 1873, ch. 217 . . 484 Kansas Senutorial Election Investigation. An act to provide for the expenses of the investigation of alleged frauds in the recent senatorial election in Kansas. March 1, 1873, ch. 218 . -184 Circuit and. District Courts of the United States in Alabama. An act relating to the circuit and district courts of the United Suites for the middle sod northern districts of Alabama,. March 8, 1873, ch. 223 ... 484 Subsist;H?;s’Su§Ip;'i::l; 3A&7gctc}to gpvide for the better care and protection of subsistence sup- 485 Por: of Chester Pa. An act to abolish the office of s tth f·Cli s. -' I U s vania., sind for other purposes. March 3, 1878:11oli$%a. .c limbo . .9 ?erim.P€im.yl. 485 Legislative, and Jurlidal Ezrpeases Appropriation. An act making appropriations for the legislative, enrecutnye, andjudrcml expenses of the government for the year ending

 ggirégh, eighteen hundred sud seventy-four, and for other purposes. March 3, 485