Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/180

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140 FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 187, 188, 189. 1872 erect and maintain an inlet-pier therefrom, saitl inlet—pier to he located not more than seven hundred feet outside of saxd Bird Island pier. APPROVED, May 21, 1872. May 21, Bm CHAP. CLXXXVII.-An ft6{;l:Tn;|§;e}Uh: gzjiitggntw tv purchase cerlam Lands Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Qhiied City of Denver States of America in Congress assembled, That the mayor of the city of {:*5élg“‘§;‘r‘;?;l Denver, in Colorado Territory, be, and he is hereby, autliomzed to (mtuphblicilandsfom through the proper la.nd-office, at the mimmuxn price per acre, the folc¤m¤t¤¤w· lowing lends belonging to the United _States, to wit: The no1~:1m·es1; quarter of the southwest quarter of section number one, and the southwest quarter of of the southeast quarter and the north half of the southeast quarter of section number two, in township nninhor four sozitln. of range number sixty-eight west of the snxth princ1pal meridian 111 the Territory of Colorado, being one hundred and SlXty acres of land. lying adjecentto said city of Denver, to be held and used for a. burial-place for said city and vicinity. Approved, May 21, 1872. May 21, 1872. CHAP. CLXXXVIII. -An Aol autharzzing the C'ons!ructz`0n of a publfc Building at '-"'“’;" Fall River, in the State of Massachusetts. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Land may be States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the §:lf(ll';s°‘;l_‘;Q;Ld Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to purchase at in Fullilfiver for private sale, O1` by condemnation, in pursuance of the statutes of the P°**·°m°*°=» &°- State of Massachusetts, a. lot of ground in the city of Fell River, Massa.- chusetts, suitable for a. site for a public building in said city, for the accommodation of the post-office, custom-house, and other offices of the Limitw ¢<>Sf· United States, and to erect a. building thereon, at 2, cost not exceeding, including the cost of the ground, the sum of two hundred thousand dollars, Plans. the plans for said building to be approved by the Secretary of the Treas- No momym ury and the Postmaster—Geneml: Provided, That no money which may lm ¤{<:>Q¤sl_¤jl_¤¤- lmoreafter be appropriated for this purpose shall be used or expended until 0°ffrll};g`m;2°" n valid title to the ground for the site of said building shall he vested in ¤¤i1t1¤g¤·ig1;t’ro the United States, end until the State of Massachusetts shell cede its

*`°l’”‘ _]urisdietion over said site, and shall also duly release and relinquieh to

the United States the right to tax, or in any way assess, said site, or the property of the United States that may be thereon during the time that the United States shall be or remain the owner thereoii Approved, May 21, 1872. Mw me 1872 CHAP. CLXXXlX.—-An Act to confirm the Action of the Board of Aldermen and """ "‘ Common Counczl <y" the City of Washington, designating a Depot Site for the Bullimore and Potomac Railroad Company, an for other Purposes. · S Be tt enactedlq Senate and House of Representatives of the United

 Sigia Rteties og Jémmca an Congress assevnbled, That the l3a1timore and Potornec

gm mg Fmnd .11 road ompeny shall have the right to extend its track from Virginia. W 4,; agenuc oug Sucth street to the opengrounds between Sixth street and city.! 15 H Bf·I‘€6t I101‘th and the canal, described as follows: Beginning nt hl1G ’ southwest corner of Sixth street and B street north, running west: one llxlggifl fifty feet along B street; theme south eight hun<lrc—d and Mt feet t ihpriseut lme of the canal; thence east one huu<l1‘e<l land wget to th; 0 1r}eb0f·S1¤rth street; thenee north by line of Sucth the United Sag; 0 Ggmmng; and the stud company shall, so far HS my use the md Ounds fcautgo P1`°Vld€» have lllé right .t0 hold, use, and occupy gmnndsibru depot mg;6 used b01‘ H 0 ogrpose of construoting thereon a, passengcf- S:1ssenger,&c., tmmcv d f y T6 S31 COmpa.I1y for passenger and express-f1‘81gl1lG GPO · » M1 0I` H0 0T»l1€l‘ purposes; and the said property so occupied by