Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/184

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144 FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 194. 1872. Consulates. III. CONSULLTES. Schedule G- Schedule O1-Aux Cayes, Bahia, Batavia, Bay oillslands, Cape Hay. tien, Candia, Cape Town, Carthagena, Ceylon, Cobua, Cyprus, Falkland Islands, Fayal, Guayaquil, Guaymas, Maranham, Matamoras, Mexico, Montevideo, Omoa, Payta, Para, Paso del Norte, Prraeus, R10 Grande, Saint Catharine, Santiago (Cape Verde), Stettm, Tabasco, Tahiti, Talcahuano, Tumbez, Venice, Windsor (Nova Scot1a),Zanz1bar. And there may be appointed a consul at Windsor, Nova SOOD1R, at an annual salary of one thousand dollars. (g,,,,,,,,.,,,,;,,; IV. COMMERCIAL Aennoms. “g§‘;,‘;;?;,,,G, smart a-Amar nam, Apu, cams, sam: ran as Loanda, Lauthala, Sabinilla. · v. COMMERCIAL AGENCIES. Schema B_ Schedule B.-·—Madagascar, San Juan del Norte, Saint Domingo. Interpreters. For interpreter to the consulates in China, Japan, and Siam, including loss by exchange, five thousand seven hundred dollars. Mmh,,1,;0,- For marshals for the consular courts in Japan, including that of Na- ¤<>¤S¤l¤1'¤0¤Fi¤· gasaki, and in China, Siam, and Turkey, including loss by exchange thereon, seven thousand seven hundred dollars. Stationery, For stationery, book-cases, arms of the United States, seals, presses, K"- and flags, and payment of rent, freight, postage, and miscellaneous expenses, including loss by exchange thereon, sixty thousand dollars: Pro- "Publicdocu- vided, That none of the books published by the government, and usually ,';;°:;° ,;,;;*2,*:: known by the name of " public documents," shall hereafter be supplied Isgstiims. &c., to the legations and consulates of the United States, except such as shall except. &e· have been first designated by the Secretary of State by an order, to be recorded in the State Department, as suitable for and required by the legation and consulate to which it shall be supplied. c°ss¤:m,_5n For expenses for interpreters, guards, and other matters at the con-

:k¤¤hd0m1¤- sulates at Constantinople, Smyrna, Candia, Alexandria, Jerusalem, and

' Beirut, in the Turkish dominions, three thousand dollars. Ahisons for For rent of prisons for American convicts in Siam and Turkey, and v,‘;£"°““ °°“‘ for wages of the keepers of the same, including loss by exchange, four thousand dollars. For rent of prison for American convicts in China, one thousand five hundred dollars. d0§‘o; wages of keepers, care of offenders, and expenses, ten thousand ar . Bftgcpo 11;;:. of prison for American convicts in Japan, seven hundred and 603;:; wages of keepers, care of offenders, and expenses, five thousand Bringing home For OXPGDSGS l1'1Cl1I‘I'€db I ° ll fr' l?£{§’2ji;:;f"G°°l charged with crime, andlnexgiblhihlhginhislhntorilrdgdlllgliixhdildges gzlssobl; _ exchange, Eve thousand dollars. méglrnencaupes- Biggs; tiilehggnaiigopzggection of American seamen in foreign countries, ,h;p$,$:;gi;? mm ma€t;ILs°:£3H;;;v;h;0}1fg13y be incipred in acknowledging the services of e n v ‘ · · · Nmmmy m shipwreck, five thousand ddgarsfsse § m mscuing American cmzms from ,8,,,‘nCh_ 8B_ · he {nest the necessary expenses attendant upon the execution of the V0), m, p_ 441, HGH Fa liy Mt, to be expended under the direction of the President in 1810 cla 44, 3 3. conformity with the third cti f · ’ y°i_,,_p_6 g_ _ se on 0 the act of May first eighteen hungféd phd ten, entitled "An act fixing the compensation of ministers and tggggaigégzdirigson the coast of Barbary, and for other purposes," twenty