Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/258

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218 FORTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 283, 284. 1872. said State subject to homestead or pre-emption entry under the laws of If the price of the United States; and in any case where land is selected by the State, FM l¤¤¤ S¤l¤¢=*¤d the price of which is Hxed by law at the double uummum of two dollars

¤?1?`1g?¤rlmrl>w°’ and fifty cents per acre, such land shall be counted as double the quantity

count double. toward satisfying the grant. _ Selections A1. Sec. 2. That any such selectionslalready made by said State, and the ready made, c¤n— lists duly tiled in the proper district land-office, be, the same are g’m°d» °"°°P*• hereby, confirmed, except so far as they may conflict with any adverse (}3,0V,,0,_ legal right existing at the passage of this act: Provtdcd, however, That the State shall not receive more than ninety thousand acres, the quantity granted by the act of July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-two : Provided also, That such lands shall not be sold by said State for less than two dollars and fifty cents per acre; and where settlement is made upon the Preference to same, preference in all cases shall be given to actual settlers at the price actual settlers. for which said lands may be offered. Approved, June 4, 1872. JUDB 4, 1879- CHAP. CCLXXXIV.—An Act to take away the Circuit Court Jurisdiction ey" the ____"-`-- District Court of the United States jbr the northern District of Georgia, to create a Circuit Court in said District, and for other Purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ty" Representatives of the United _ (?l’9¤lP cw; States tf America in Congress assembled, That so much of any act or acts

E2;":;, °° of Congress as vests in the district court of the United States for the

district court of northern district of Georgia the power and jurisdiction of a circuit court l;‘ii€‘%;&‘:fd*“‘ be, and the same is hereby, repealed; and there shall hereafter be a cir- G,,,,;,,, and cui; cou:}-tm held foxixsaid districthpresided over as the circuit court now is, circuit ¤<>¤¥* or erea. rmay ,511 the sou ern istrict. §:f:§l_f°' u"" Sec. 2. That all actions, suits, executions, causes, pleas, process, and Pending suits other proceedings relative to any cause, civil or criminal, which might wd P*'°°°”· have been brought and would have been originally cognizable in a circuit court, or removed thereto under any act of Congress, pending in or returnable to the district court for the said northern district of Georgia at the time appointed for holding the next term thereof; are hereby declared to be transferred and made returnable to the circuit court constituted by this act, to be holden within the said district, and shall be heard, tried, and determined therein, in the same manner as if originally instituted in or removed to such circuit court. And the said circuit court shall be governed by the same general laws and regulations as apply to other circuit Qleyk op tho courts of the United States, and the clerk of said court shall perform the ¤§N¤i¤ court- same duties and shall be entitled to receive the same fees and emoluments which are by law established for the clerks of the other circuit Pmmtcmk courts of the United States, and shall be appointed by the circuit judge of of dimm com [the] circuit: Provtdcd, That the present clerk of the district court for said who clcrgc oftgir- 1l0l‘Ll1Bl'Il district shall be the clerk of the circuit court of said district till

 °°“' “" ‘· another appointment be made in his place or he be otherwise removed.

_Terms ofdis- Sec. 3. That there shall be two terms of the district court for the

°;t:¤d circuit northern district of Georgia, held in Atlanta, in each and every year, to

°begin on the first Mondays of March and September; and there shall also be two terms of· the circuit court for said district, held in Atlanta, gx eachband every year, to begin on the second Mondays in March and eptem er. Suits licreaftcr Src. 4. That all suits hereafter to be instituted in the district or cirl“°m“*°<l· ‘Vl*"$ cuit court of either the northern or soutliem district of Geor ia not of a to lm r°wm”bl°’ local nature, shall be commenced in a court of the district wliexie the de-

r;l;·;‘;=_ feildant resides; but if there be more than one defendant, and they reside

{mmm_ in different districts, the plaintifl may sue in either, and send duplicate writs to the other defendants, on which the plaintiff or his attorney shall mclorse that the writs thus sent are copies of writs sued out of the proper district; and the said writs, when executed and returned into the office