Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/410

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370 FORTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 416. 1872. _ CHAP. CDXVI.—A Act k‘_ A ‘:' [ the ‘, P z' , d

 Cgmpletivn of certairi1publicm;Vd:}gs odUEiii;·hadSd8H;'rbors, Eriiiigir oth;S7r’l4Li;i;;]esizn

_ _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Atppropnatrous Sgage; of Amor-icq in Congress assembled, That the following sums of for erepair, . . . &c_, Ofpubm, money be, and are hereby, appropriated, to be pald out of any money m works on rivers the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be expended under the direc- ‘“‘d h“’b°’S· tion of the Secretary of War, for the repair, preservation, and completion of the following public works hereinafter named: Du Luth. For the improvement of Du Luth harbor, Minnesota, fifty thousand Proviso. dollars: Provided That no part of said sum shall be expended so as to injure the harbor of Superior City, WVisconsin. Superior City. For the improvement of Superior City harbor, Wisconsin, nfty thousand dollars. Marquette. For the improvement of Marquette harbor, Michigan, fifty thousand dollars. Menomonee For the improvement of Menomonee harbor, Michigan and Wisconsin, twenty-five thousand dollars. Ahnspee. For the improvement of Ahnapee harbor, Wisconsin, twenty-five thousand dollars. Two Rivers. For the improvement of Two Rivers harbor, Wisconsin, twenty-five thousand dollars. Sheboygan. For the improvement of Sheboygan harbor, Wisconsin, eighteen thousand dollars. ' mPorc Washing- For the improvement of Port Washington harbor, Wisconsin, fifteen “‘ thousand dollars. Kenosha. For the improvement of Kenosha harbor, Wisconsin, ten thousand dollars. Chicago. For the improvement of Chicago harbor, Illinois, ninety thousand dollars. Calumet. For the improvement of Calumet harbor, Illinois, forty thousand dollars. Michigan City. For the improvement of Michigan City harbor, Indiana, fifty thousand dollars. New Buffalo. For the improvement of New Buffalo harbor, Michigan, five thousand dollars. Green my and For payment to the Green Bay and Mississippi Canal Company, for so MiSSi¤¤i1>1>i $*¤¤}¤* much of all and singular its property and rights of property in and to the

 M its line of water communication between the Wisconsixi river and the mouth

of the Fox river, including its locks, dams, canals, and franchises, as were under the act of Congress for the improvement of water communication between the Mississippi river and Lake Michigan by the Wisconsin and 18-[0_ch_om_ Fox rivers, approved July seventh, eighteen hundred and seventy, re- Vol. xvi- p- 159- ported by the ecretary of WVar to be needed, in his communication to the House of Representatives dated March eighth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, one hundred and forty-five thousand dollars. Frankfort. For the improvement of Frankfort harbor, lllichigan, ten thousand dollars. Manisteo. For the improvement of Manistee harbor, Michigan, ten thousand dollars. qulgfg M“" For the improvement of Pere Marquette harbor, Michigan, ten thou- ` sand dollars. Pontwam. For the improvement of Pentwater harbor, Michigan, thirty thousand dollars. wines River. For the improvement of White River harbor, Michigan, ten. thousand dollars. Muskegon. For the improvement of Muskegon harbor, Michigan, ten thousand dollars. GMM H¤\’¤¤· For the improvement of Grand Haven harbor, Michigan, fifteen thousand dollars.