Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/450

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410 FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 34, 35. 1873. reigns ami li- Sec. 2. That nothing in this act contained shell be so construed as in

  • b*h“°¤ °‘” bank any manner to release the said bank from any liability, or affect any action

xm a€°°md‘ or preceeding in law in which the said bank may be 2. paxty or interested, Change m be And when such change shall have been determined upon as aforesaid, notice ‘d"°’°’“d‘ thereof, and of such change, shall be published in one weekly paper in the village of Mount; Vernon not less than four weeks. _ w*he¤1Oc,m0n Sec. 3. That whenever the location of said bank shall have been 5) gl;¤£§;<;x·a¤;¤¤*€ changed from the village of Mount Vernon to the city of Evansville, in Nation,] hunk of accordance with the first section of this ect, its name shall be changed to Evansville, 1:; &e. the German National Bank of Evansville, if the board of directors of said bank shall accept the new name by resolution of the board, and cause a copy of such resolution, duly authenticated, to be Bled with the comptroller of the currency. Rights, liabili— Sec. 4. That all the debts, demands, liabilities, rights, privileges, and

  • l°S~ &“ v ,$° °°“i{ powers of the East Chester National Bank of Mount Vernon shall devolve
 sew!} upon the German National Bank of Evansville whenever the change of

name. location and name as provided in the first section of this act shall be effected. Wim wmkes Sec. 5. That this act shall take eifect and be in force from and after °H€°t' the date of its passage. · A1>1·R0vm>, January 11, 1873. Jun. 11, 1873. CHAP. XXXIV. —An Act to authorize the Emplo ment of Keepers, and Crews of Surf """_—$ Tllm the ZW-saving Stations on the Coasts ¢y" Clape Clad, and Block Island, and for ol urposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and [abuse of Representatives of the United Secretary of States of Amer1Icu in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasg;§$°;:?€;: uiy be, and hereby is, authorized to appoint a keeper for each of the ten and crews diy me lifesaving stations on the coasts of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and Block Il{°·”"i¤l$ SW Island, Rhode Island, whose compensation shall be at the rate of two hungggsazlyfsiggk dred dollars per annum, and to employ crews of experienced surfmen at Island: such stations and for such periods as he may deem necessary and proper, “‘°" Y’”Y· and at such compensation as he may deem reasonable, not to exceed forty dollars per month for each person to be employed. Simons to Sue. 2. That the life-saving stations at Narragansett Pier, and Block be wld? wh°s6 Island, Rhode lsland are hereby placed under the supervision of the supervision. , . ’ . . _ _ superintendent of life-saving stations for the coast of Long Island. APPF¤P¤‘i¤U0¤· Sec. 3. That the sum of two thousand dollars is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to carry out the provisions of this act during the current fiscal year. A1-1>nov1·;n, January 11, 1873. Jun. 15, 1873. CHAP. XXXY. -:11: Actjo qmend Seetiqn twelge ¢y" an Act entitled “An Ae: to author- 1`8-‘Z?hf;h`—_p3—2g飧t12_ 3;;:1/n; ;<;Zp£;;zp;;$n1;:f Shzppmg- Cammzsswners, ge., approved June seven, eighteen hun- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Law requiring Smtes of America in Congress assembled,,Tha.t section twelve of the act 2;;3;St;f$E:‘2 entitled "An act to authorize the appointment of shipping-commiswritten agree- sioners," &c., approved June seven, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, mem wiéh wg be amended by adding to said section the following proviso: “P’r0v’Zded ,I:,?{0b;p(;,i; ;(;c" fimllef, That this Section shall not apply to masters of vessels when vessels engaged engaged in trade between the United States and the British North in °°““‘“ ""·d°· American possessions, or the West India. Islands, or the Republic of Mexico? Approved, January 15, 1873.