Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/457

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FORTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 51, 52, 53. 1873, 417 third, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, entitled "An act to amend the fifth S*¤¤**¤G Wblic section of an act. entitled Qin act donating public lands to the several gg5E_ States and Territories wluch may provide colleges for the benetit of tuml,&e.,eo1- ' agriculture. and the mechanic arts,' approved duly second, eigliteexrliuu- Wes "X”"“d°d dred and sixty-two, so as to extend the time Wlthlh which the provisions of said act shall be accepted and such colleges established," is hereby extended so that the States which have not complied with the provisions of said acts in establishing colleges shall have the period of two years, after the first day of July, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, within which to provide at least one college, as described in the fourth section of ax'? act entitled1“ len act donalting public lands to the several States and crritories w ic may provide colleges for the benefit of avriculture and the mechanic arts," approved July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. Approved, January 23, 1873. CHAP. LI.—;1lnZ4ctlt0 amengl akjct entitled "An Act to incorporate a national milf- Jan 23 1873 tary and nav sjyum or e ie of the totally disabled O cers a d M th —:-—#————;- Volunteer Forces of the Suited States," approved March twengone, ezi_<i}ueev»€itzaQrird:·e<$ V1?G5·..?h‘ QL and sixty-six, and jbr other Purposes. ;’8bg“;i1l’§?9‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United *3;* __f;‘;£, ¥’· 1°· States of America in Uongress assembled, That the said act be so amended ¤•h,,m€»· ,,,,;,,5. that wherever the word " asylum " occurs therein, the word “ home " shall med \°9¤‘ “My- be inserted instead thereoil };‘;a;d{“ °h° “°t Sec. 2. That the act approved March twenty-second, eighteen hundred _ A suit of clothand sixty-seven, entitled "An act for the relief of maimed and destitute ‘g`=‘§;l;"208;‘;él:° b° soldiers.; shall be lconstrued to extend to all Soldiers who have lgeen, or Soldier wm &c_ are, m the na iona asy um, so as to give o ea one a suit o c ot mg or its equivalent in clothing, from the stock on hand in the Quartermaster’s 1867, ch. 4. department; and that Frederick Smythe, of New Hampshire, Benjamin §‘;;a’;‘;}g’;)}· F. Butler of Massachusetts and Thomas O. Osborn of Illinois shall be theNational,&c., managers ,0f said corporation. ’ ’ H<>¤¤¢· Approved, January 23, 1873. CHAP. LII.—An Act authorizing the Removal ¢y" Restrictions upon the Alienation ry" J 23 1873 certain Miami Indian Lands in the State ¢y" Kansas. -2;; Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the legislature of the State Removal of M_ of Kansas is hereby authorized to remove the restrictions against the striouous upon liability to leases, alienation, levy, sale, execution, taxation, and for- ;::t;l;°'i;£:i°? feiture of lands in said State, patented under and in pursuance of the Ind,,,,, 1,,,,, ·,, second article of the treaty of June fifth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, Kansas autlioibetween Lhe Miami Indians and the United States, in all cases in which and “”"“t°d the title has legally passed to citizens of the United States other than Vol. x. p. 1093. Indians. And Congress hereby assents to the removal of said restrictions as provided by the joint resolution of Kansas, approved March H1-st eiohteen hundred and sevent -two, sub'ect to the revisions of this 5 5 y J P act. APru0vED, January 23, 1873. CHAP. Llll. — An Act authorizznyz the Firstdliational Bank of Neuman to change its _·y,m_ 23, 1g7g_ CG[l~OIZ GH A GTll0• ii Be it enacted by the Senate and House cy" Representatives of the Uizited States of America in Congress assembled, That the First National Bank First National of Newnan, now located in the city of Ncwnan and State of Georgia, is g’;g:‘#°; I`;f;“°“w hereby authorized to change its location to the city of Atlanta, in said Qi,,,,,,}, {,Sp;c,,_ State. Whenever the stockholders, representing three—fourths of tho tum and unmecapital of said bank, at a meeting called for that purpose, determine to make such change, the president and cashier shall execute a certificate VOL. xvu. Pun.-- 27