Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/517

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FORTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. IU. Ch. 201, 202, 207. 1873. 477 taining to said circuit court of the United States in and for the districts of Missouri, and, as such custodians and the successors of the clerk of said last-named court, they are hereby invested with the same powers and authority with respect thereto as the clerk thereof had during the existence of said lastmamed circuit court. Said circuit court of the United Circuit eoazt States in and for the eastern district of Missouri is hereby made the suc- 5*;;**:;*:52 cessor of said circuit court of the United States in and for the districts of successor, sw. Missouri as to all suits, causes, and unfinished business therein or in any wise pertaining thereto, except as hereinbefore provided. Sec. 5. That hereafter there shall be two regular stated terms each _Termso(disyear of the district court of the United States in and for the eastern ;;‘;&f§“d':s,'r';ct_ district of Missouri, commencing on the first Mondays, respectively, of May and November, in lieu of those now fixed by law, and no action, suit, proceeding, or process in said court shall abate or be rendered invalid by reason of this act, but all of the same not previously disposed of or Ymding P'°· otherwise provided for by special order of said court shall be deemed °°SS` ` returnable to, pending, and triable at the next term of said district court established by this act which may be held after this act takes effect: Provided, however, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to Pr<>vis<>· repeal the powers heretofore granted for ordering special or adjourned terms of said court, or the powers and duties of the judge of said court in vacation and at chambers. Approved, February 25, 1873. CHAP. CCI. —An Act tv enjbrce the Slipulalions of the Convention with Venezrlela, of Feb. 25, 1873. gfril twentyyijlh, eighteen hundred and sizt_y·s1'x, and the Payment of aeyudicaied ‘H§T 07mS. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Ad.ud,mi0n States gr America, in Oangress assembled, That the adjudication of claims of eieiims by the by the convention with Venezuela of April twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred ¤<{H¤`¤;*i°¤ Ia and sixty-six, pursuant to the terms of said convention, is hereby recog- f,v;]dvu‘fffi°:;§im nized as final and conclusive, and to be held as valid and subsisting against that republic. the republic of Venezuela. Aprnovnn, February 25, 1873. CHAP. CCh. —An Act to grant an American Register to the Propeller Oliver Cromwell. Feb. 25, 1873. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatvfves <y" the United .$?o,tes of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas- an Amgriqgn ury be, and is hereby, authorized to issue an American register to the rggggelgvtsg propeller “Oliver Cromwe11," an American built vessel, sold to Canadian propane, Oliver parties in eighteen hundred and fifty-six, wrecked in the straits of Mack- Cromwell. inac purchased and rebuilt by J. P. Clark, an American citizen, who is now her owner. Approved, February 25, 1873. CHAP. CCVII. —·An Act to authorize tim Northam Pacfc Railroad Company ta can- Feb. 27, 1873. struct and maintain a Bridge across the Saint Louis River. ""_"°`""" " Be it enacted by the Senate and Muse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Northern Pacific Rail- _Nortiiem Paroad Company is hereby authorized to construct and rnaintain a draw- bridge across the Saint Louis r1ver between R1ce’s point, in the State budge mos, th, of Minnesota, and C0nnor’s point, in the State of Wisconsin. That the Saint Louis river said bridge shall be not less than ten feet above the level of the water h°m‘;§';·t&(fI$‘· 0f said river at the point where its construction is hereby authorized; bridge. that said bridge shall have a giving two clear openings of Drewone hundred feet each, measured at right angles to the current at the average stage of water in the river, and located in a part of the bridge that can be safely and conveniently reached at that stage; and the next adjoining spans to the draw shall not be less than one hundred and fifty Sp,,,,,_